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Only Diane Keaton would have the balls to say this!
May 2nd, 2019 under Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Ellen DeGeneres asked Diane Keaton to play a game called 10 Second Rule on her show today. Basically, Twitch asks them to name three things and they have to do so in 10 seconds. Sounds boring, but itis never boring whenever the Baby Boom star is on the daytime talk show.

Well, actually the game was kind of dull until they got to last question. That is when Twitch asked her, “Name your three favorite body parts on a man?” Without hesitation, she went, “Oh my Gd, the penis!” Then she added, “The lips. And the tongue.”

How many other women would have no blurting that out as she did? Which is why we love Zany Diane.


Ellen DeGeneres is having a bad hair day
April 30th, 2019 under Bad Hair, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Ellen DeGeneres is a natural blond, but she gets some highlights to brighten her look. On Thursday, she went to a new person and decided that she wanted all of her hair to be the same color. It sounded like a good idea in her head but it was not a good idea for her head.

After two and a half hours, she did not like the new color. They tried again and her locks were all different colors. They decided to stop there because her hair was very damaged.

So damaged, that when she touched her head, clumps of it would fall out. She tried washing it and whatever else she could do to no avail. Finally, she called her people to save what was left and they did all they could. Now she has a very short blond do that she cannot wash or touch. All she can do it is let it grow out or wear hats.

The moral to the story, don’t go to a new hairstylist if you are doing something drastic. You might get a drastic new look, it just will not be the one you want.


Who’s a better kisser to Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore or Jennifer Aniston?
April 26th, 2019 under Adam Sandler, Ellen DeGeneres, Friends (cast), Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

Adam Sandler was answering Ellen DeGeneres’ burning questions and she wanted to know which of his leading ladies is a better kisser, Drew Barrymore or Jennifer Aniston? Since he only plays a schmuck in movies, he rightfully answered that question by saying Chris Rock. Rock was not the answer to the previous question, so I guess the Water Boy did not want to leave the Diva out. Well, Rock is not as big as a Diva as David Spade according to Sandler. The more you know.

Another reason why Sandler might not have answered the question is that he has a Netflix movie coming out with Aniston on June 14th. If he said Barrymore that would not have been the only Murder Mystery in Jen’s life.

To see the trailer for Murder Mystery, then click here!


BTWF: Michael Keaton doing standup
March 19th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Ellen DeGeneres, Michael Keaton. [ Comments: none ]

Before Michael Keaton was the Dark Knight protecting Gotham City in Batman, he was doing standup at the Gotham City Comedy Club. How funny was the actor in his early 30’s back in the early ’80s?

To hear why he gave up standup, then click here!


Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase is mystery you want to see solved!
March 15th, 2019 under Ellen DeGeneres, Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1939, Warner Bros released a movie called Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase. Now 80 years later, they are telling that story again on the big screen. This time Sophia Lillis (It) is playing the teenage sleuth.

For decades, little girls and girls who never grew up, enjoyed reading books about the detective. Now a new generation gets to enjoy her on the big screen. Hopefully, enough to get them to read the novels. I have two 10-year-olds in my life, and I am going to introduce them to this movie, to get them to read the series.

Drew and her dad (Sam Trammell) just moved from Chicago to River Heights, a much smaller town than what she is used to, to live with her aunt (Andrea Anders) after her mother died. Even though she is new to the town, they are already familiar to with the 16-year-old’s reputation as a detective.

Her friend George (Zoë Renee) calls her and tells her that their friend Bess (Mackenzie Graham) is being cyberbullied. Therefore, Drew comes up with a plan to get back at that boy. It is a perfect plan, except his girlfriend, Helen (Laura Slade Wiggins), pays the price of their revenge. Helen is a popular girl, who would never be seen with Drew and her friends, and her family is the town’s longest residents of the town.

Including Helen’s aunt Flora (Linda Lavin), who has a problem of her own. They say her house is haunted and turns out they might be right. The three of them decide to find out if Flora’s home is being taken over by the supernatural or is their a natural explanation? What they find out has a much bigger impact on all of their lives.

Will Nancy Drew be able to save the day? Especially since Sheriff Marchbanks (Jay DeVon Johnson) really has it out to bust her. He has already taken her into the station several times for some of the things she has done in the past. Luckily, she has Deputy Patrick (Andrew Matthew Welch) on her side. Is it enough?

You will just have to go see the movie that is out in theaters now to find out. It is the perfect family movie to run and see with your loved ones. Not only will it inspire you to read the Nancy Drew books again, but it will also make you want to investigate the things around you too. I want to be a detective now.

I also can see this becoming a big screen franchise again because it is the type of movie that feels like the type of book you cannot put down. Kind of like Nancy Drew books. Whether you are a fan of the novels or never read one, you will find this film so enjoyable, you will want to read her mysteries all over again. That is until the movie comes out on home video, then you will stop to watch the feature again and again.

Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase is directed by Katt Shea and produced by Warner Bros., Ellen DeGeneres’ A Very Good Production and Red 56.


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