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There is a rat in the White House!
January 25th, 2019 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

No, Michael Cohen (Donald Trump’s words) is not in the White House talking to the President. Instead, there is an actual mouse in the press briefing room. Playboy and CNN’s political analyst Brian J. Karem shared a photo of the little white (because that is the only color someone can be by the podium these days) guy making an appearance where Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be.

Why was he there? That is what happens when you do not pay the White House staffers, so they cannot come into work and clean all up the 💩 that this administration is leaving all over the DC. They have sadly turned the place of honor into a dump. Disgusting.


Did Donald Trump actually think that Christian Bale was Bruce Wayne?
December 12th, 2018 under Batman, Christian Bale, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

One of the many things that the World has learned over the last few years is that Donald Trump is far from the genius he claims to be. Something Christian Bale already seemed to know for years like most people (including me) from New York City.

When Variety’s Mark Malkin asked the actor on the red carpet of Vice who should play 45 in the eventual biopic, he had an interesting story. Back when Bale was Batman, they were filming in Trump Tower. The businessman saw him and invited him up to his penthouse. When the two men were talking, the Dark Knight felt that Trump actually thought he was Bruce Wayne and not just playing him in the movies. How did he react? What could he do, but just go along with it.

Too bad Bale didn’t go all Transformers on him. Now that would have been hot!


President Evil Donald Trump gets a horror movie
November 14th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

To a majority of Americans, having Donald Trump in the White House is like living in a horror movie. Therefore, it would make sense that someone would turn his presidency into a horror movie. Giant Meteor Films did just that with President Evil.

Pepe is a kid, whose parent were taken away by ICE. Now the women and man he loves will be taken away by a serial killer who dresses like Donald Trump.

Back when little Donnie was a kid, he killed his mom and the man she was having an affair with. Since he was so young, he has been institutionalized ever since. That is until now because he escaped and is on a killing path. He is killing Haitians, Mexicans, Transgenders and Muslim. He is indestructible. Can anything stop him?

It is something you have to see to believe. I have seen the movie that is available on Amazon Prime now and even I don’t believe it. Words cannot describe it, but it is brilliant. As in they make so many Trump references that that part scarier than the killer plotline. Let’s be honest, most of us have had nightmares about him. It is just shocking it took someone two years to make our nightmares become a reality.

As you prep the turkey for next week, you might also want to prep for the political family debate by watching this film. Whether you all feel the same way or not about him, you will all get a laugh describing this yuge film.

Did I mention there is a music video for it? It is a must watch. To see it, then click here!


Stormy Daniels responds to Donald Trump calling her horseface!
October 16th, 2018 under Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Trump has remained, mostly, silent about Stormy Daniels. Even after she revealed he has a small mushroom like pen!s.

Yesterday, she lost her defamation case against him, so today he took to Twitter to share the news. He wrote, “’Federal Judge throws out Stormy Danials lawsuit versus Trump. Trump is entitled to full legal fees.’ @FoxNews Great, now I can go after Horseface and her 3rd rate lawyer in the Great State of Texas. She will confirm the letter she signed! She knows nothing about me, a total con!”

Well, she was not going to take that lying down. Although she already did take it from him lying down. Anyways, she tweeted back, “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present your president. In addition to his…umm…shortcomings, he has demonstrated his incompetence, hatred of women and lack of self control on Twitter AGAIN! And perhaps a penchant for bestiality. Game on, Tiny.”

If that diss did not make you want to high-5 her, then the next one will. She added, “I see someone finally made it to chapter 3. Also, can someone please teach Tiny about correct punctuation? We already knew you’re a con, though. #triggeredhim #slowreader #commasarehard”

I do not know why he thinks he can mess with her? She has already proven time and time again she is the Queen of witty comebacks. I would not even dare to get in a Drop the Mic battle with her. Especially, since we already know where her hand has been and what mic it has touched.

Seriously though, what has happened to America? The President of the United States is in a Twitter war with a p0rn star, who he allegedly had an affair with, and she is winning. This is far from making America great again.


Stormy Daniels regrets writing about Donald Trump’s pen!s?
October 10th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Stormy Daniels said that she can describe Donald Trump’s private parts, I have wanted that private detail to become public. Then she wrote a memoir that is out now and ruined mushrooms and Mario Kart for us.

Yesterday, when she was on CNN, Don Lemon asked her why she regretted putting that in the book. She told him, “I don’t really regret it, I just have a couple of moments that was kind of mean. But, then I look back at all of the horrible things he has said about other people and women, calling women pigs, attacking girls’ weights and looks. Then I don’t feel so bad.” Then she wanted him to know she does not agree with body shaming someone.

Since he has not denied it, you know she is speaking because he loves to attack the books that are written about him.


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