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Joe Biden’s campaign gets catty
October 19th, 2020 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Trump has been trying to start a catfight with Joe Biden for years. Well, now Biden’s campaign is ready for it. First, they went to the dogs for a commercial. Now, they got felines to take part in one, and my kitty approves of his ad.

If Trump wants to do an advertisement with animals that represent him, he could use snakes, rats, jackasses, and slugs. Did I leave any out?


Is Bad President a biopic about Donald Trump’s presidency?
October 15th, 2020 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest, almost all of us think that Donald Trump made a pact with the devil to become the president of the United States. Well, the movie Bad President imagines if he did. It might be fictional, but I think it is pretty spot on. Especially because the actress playing Stormy Daniels looks just like her. I would almost swear it was her.

Seriously, doesn’t this film seem more like fact than fiction? It is just like those Oscar-winning movies based on true stories. Unlike the latter films, I cannot wait to check out Bad President. Thankfully, it is available to watch on OnDemand as you read this.


Patti LuPone responds to the Donald Trump/Evita comparisons
October 5th, 2020 under Donald Trump, Patti LuPone. [ Comments: 1 ]

Donald Trump checked himself out of the hospital today and immediately went back to the White House. When he got there, he stood on the balcony, without a mask and gasping for air as he looked down on the press.

That moment reminded people of the extremely powerful scene in the Broadway musical Evita when Eva Perón sings Don’t Cry for Me Argentina from her balcony to the people of her country.

When Patti LuPone, who originated the role in 1979, saw that people were making the comparison, she had to stand up on her balcony and respond to all of her Twitter followers. “I still have the lung power and I wore less makeup. This revival is closing November 3rd,” she wrote.

There is only one person she hates more than Glenn Close, and it is Donald Trump.

A majority of Americans agree with her. We loathe him, especially after today, when he declared that we should not be afraid of COVID-19. He just handed his followers Kool-Aid, and they will guzzle down the cyanide-laced drink with a big smile on their face. He literally shot America on Fifth Avenue, and they are like, “Thank you, sir. Can I have another?”

Vote him out to save America and Americans. If we don’t, his ignorance, narcism and grandiose
behavior will kill us all.


This cat was most of us watching Donald Trump at the debate yesterday
September 30th, 2020 under Animals, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]


She’s not a fan. ##fy

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod

Let’s be honest, most of us were cursing and throwing things at our televisions yesterday while we were watching the 💩🕳️ of a presidential (not that it was anywhere near presidential) candidate debate. Ashley’s cat one-upped us all. The kitty was scratching at Donald Trump like he was a litter box, and she just took the smelliest 💩.

I wish I could get my furbaby to do that. However, she was hiding because of all of the screaming I was doing. The debate is like my Super Bowl with my team down by 2 points, and our punter is at the 40 about to kick the ball during the final seconds of the fourth quarter. Wait, did I just describe an intense moment in football?

Talking about football, that cat really scored a touchdown for all of us. I am sorry you had to suffer through that. Frankly, I am sorry we all had to suffer through all of that.


It’s Always Sunny’s Charlie Day responds to Donald Trump dissing Philly
September 30th, 2020 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since 2005, Charlie Day has been saying It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Tonight, Donald Trump said, “Bad things happen in Philadelphia.” during the debate. Well, when the actor heard that, he responded in a way that was fitting. He wrote, “What the f*ck?!?! F*ck you.”

There are only five people who can do badmouth Philly, and it is the five stars of the FX sitcom that will never go away. While I want to watch them forever, I hope we only have to watch Trump for less than four more months.


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