We know how people who are old enough to vote feel about Donald Trump, but what about those who are not? Jimmy Kimmel Live sent a camera out on to Hollywood Blvd and asked kids how they feel about the President elect. Let’s just say one baby cried, another wouldn’t want him to be her babysitter and a third thought he would kill his mom. I think that is pretty accurate, don’t you?
This upcoming episode of Law & Order: SVU might be called Unstoppable, but someone is stopping the episode, loosely based on Donald Trump, from airing on the 26th as planned. According to Variety, the episode will now air sometime after election. The trade mag says the reason for the delay is because of all the women coming forward claiming sexual assault by the Presidential candidate. I don’t know about you, but to me that is even more reason why they should air it way before November 28th, like at least 21 days beforehand.
Most people were utterly offended when they heard Donald Trump talk to Billy Bush about forcing himself on women because he is a celebrity back in 2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live wanted to soften the blow, so they replaced the video with a scene from The Flintstones. Not only is my adulthood ruined, so it my childhood.
What did Fred and Barney ever do to the people on the ABC late night show to make them do that?
You and I were shocked by what we heard Donald Trump say in 2005, but what about teens? Fine Bros played the video for several teenagers and their reaction is more mature than anything Trump has done this whole election.
They are disgusted by it and they should be. This is the man that they are supposed to respect, but how can they respect him when he says things like how he uses his stardom to grab women by the pussy.
Is this what you want the next generation to have as role model? I don’t want anyone to think it is OK to think any man can treat a woman like that. Especially a man that could be the leader of the free world.
And if you think they are just words, when was the last time you knew a 60 year old man to just talk like that. And what about the ick factor of someone that old talking about sex like a teenager.
Our poor teens.
Just think the Religious Conservatives gave us him and now those hypocrites are defending him.
AP via People
Even though Melania Trump said she forgave her husband for what he said in 2005 to Billy Bush, I think the blouse she wore to the debate says differently. It is not because it looks like something a Librarian would wear, it is because of what it is called. It is Gucci’s “Pussy-bow silk crepe de chine shirt.” I think that says it all, don’t you?
Now that that matter is solved, can someone explain to me why Gucci calls it a “pussy-bow”?