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Do Ellen DeGeneres and Colin Farrell have something to tell us?
October 13th, 2016 under Colin Farrell, Do they have something to tell us?, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Ellen DeGeneres and Colin Farrell were seen kissing lip to lip, so do they have something to tell us? Probably not, it was just his way of saying hello and I would like him to say hello to me like that after he quits what he told Ellen he is doing now on her show today. Think you know what it is, you will just have to tune in to see if you are right.


Colin Farrell was questioned as a late teen for attempted murder?
June 19th, 2015 under Colin Farrell, Jimmy Fallon, Vince Vaughn. [ Comments: none ]

Colin Farrell was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a game of True Confessions. Basically Farrell, Fallon and Vince Vaughn were all given two envelopes, one was filled with a truth about the person and the other one contained a lie. Then after they read the contents the other two got to question them for :60 seconds. When they were done, the other two players had to guess if the other one was telling the truth or a lie.
Farrell went first, and his envelope said, “When I was a late teen I got brought in for questioning as a suspect in an attempted murder.” As they were questioning him, he admitted that when the cops showed a sketch of the suspect he thought the guy looked at him. Then he realized he had a blackout the night of the crime, and he started to wonder if he was the one who did it.
So did he do it? No, as he explained, “Thankfully a friend of mine kept a journal and that particular night and at that particular time we were at a party on the other side of town doing ecstasy.” In other words, he had committed a crime, just not the one he was brought in for.
Then it was time for Jimmy Fallon’s confession and he got his head stuck in a fence when he was kid. Explains a lot, no?


Sharon Osbourne offers to show Colin Farrell her tightended vajayjay
November 30th, 2013 under Colin Farrell, Graham Norton, The Osbournes. [ Comments: none ]

Sharon Osbourse was on Graham Norton’s show and he made the mistake of asking her what was the most painful plastic surgery procedure she has gotten. She told him, “having my vag!na tightened.” That revelation totally shocked Colin Farrell (who knew that you could) and he wanted to know more, so she offered to show it to him.
Thankfully Jo Brand broke the uncomfortableness by she saying she did the same thing, but she did her’s at home with a Singer sewing machine.
Just when I think that Sharon Osbourne can no longer shock me with her TMI stories, she says something like this. Things I could’ve gone without knowing.


Do you get rise out of seeing Colin Farrell in his underwear or are you left flacid?
February 27th, 2013 under Colin Farrell, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Colin Farrell is a guest on Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show today and he modeled some of her underwear on the show. Although he was hesitant to put on the thong that resembled something Santa Claus would wear, the pair he decided to show off came with a gift. Leaving the actor embarrassed when he realized it was showing a bag with no present inside. He was so ashamed that his face was the same color as his red hot briefs!


Colin Farrell is a scaredy cat?
October 8th, 2012 under Colin Farrell, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Colin Farrell is a guest on Ellen today and Ellen DeGeneres tried to scare him like she does to a lot of her other guests. But unlike them, the Irish man is no scaredy cat. His reaction to frightful feline was purrfect! But I have to wonder what happened to him when he was younger that something like that doesn’t frighten him? I just 10′ up in the air if someone does that to me and yet he didn’t even flinch.


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