Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Cher
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What is Cher’s secret to never having to turn back time?
July 16th, 2018 under Cher. [ Comments: none ]

No matter how much time has passed, Cher never seems to age. Today when the 72-year-old was on Today, Sheinelle Jones asked the iconic Diva what is her secret to never aging.

The Gypsy and thief told them, “I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. I never have. I work out. I am pretty good with my diet except I like chocolate. And I think, I have always kept working.”

Well, if that is her secret, I am so screwed. Does it count that I did her workout tape when I was a kid? Will that help me look as young as her when I am her age?

Seriously, doesn’t she look fantastic?


Christine Baranski talks about Michael Sheen naming his penis after her
June 22nd, 2018 under Cher, Graham Norton. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest, we have all named our private parts after someone. Some of us, including me, have named them after someone famous. In my case two people!

Anyhoo, Sarah Silverman says that her boyfriend named his and Michael Sheen calls it “The Great Christine Baranski.” Today, when she was on The Graham Norton Show, the BBC host had to ask her about it. Specifically, why she thinks the actor named his little man after the great actress? She said, “Long lasting career?” Then Cher piped in with, “tall and thin?” Why do you think?

Baranski says if she ever meets him, she will have to ask him about it. That is right, he has never met her. If they ever do meet, then it will be even more amazing than that time that Steve Carell met Kelly Clarkson. Seriously, what would Sheen do? If I were him, I would run like the Road Runner out of the joint because there is no way I could possibly face the people I named my privates after. Could you?

BTW the best part of this whole thing is Baranski’s reaction. She is so prim and proper that she does not even know how to talk about it. But then again would anyone?


Cher would rather eat a caterpillar than reveal her top 5 lovers!
June 20th, 2018 under Cher, James Corden. [ Comments: none ]

Cher has been with a lot of hot men throughout her life like Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer and Eric Stoltz, but which of them are her 5 greatest lovers. That is what James Corden wanted to know, so he asked her on The Late Late Show yesterday when they played Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts.

Rather than reveal that, she ate a caterpillar. Even though she said she would not eat cow’s tongue, she did. Why? She would rather do that than say something nice about Trump. Many of us are with her. I would have eaten everything on that table rather than do that.

Back to the cow’s tongue, am I the only one who likes it? It is so good with deli mustard and sour pickles.


Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again, how I can resist you?
December 21st, 2017 under Cher, Mamma Mia, Meryl Streep. [ Comments: none ]

The trailer is out for the sequel to Mamma Mia and I thought I was going to have to call out an SOS about it. Now, that I see what they are going to do with it, I am a Dancing Queen. Who is going be a Super Trooper and go see it with me on July 20th?

I just have one question, how is Cher old enough to play Meryl Streep’s mom? Cher deserves another Oscar just for that!


Who is the bigger diva in this photo: Cher or Barbra Streisand?
September 13th, 2017 under Barbra Streisand, Better than..., Cher. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, all of the biggest stars in Hollywood came out to the Hand-in-Hand fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston and Hurricane Irma in Florida. Two of the biggest names there were Cher and Babs and the two legendary Oscar-winning singers actually sat next to each other and posed for this photo. That thump you have been hearing all day is all of the Gay boys fainting because they are all verklempt over seeing their idols sharing the same air. The biggest thump came from Andy Cohen, who is still in la la land after taking this picture.

Has this ever happened before? Have the inspirations for a lot of Drag Queens ever been this close to each other before? As close as two Divas can be.

When it comes to who is the biggest in this photo, that was a trick question. The answer is Jay Leno!


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