Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Carol Burnett
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Palm Royale will be back for season 2
June 6th, 2024 under Apple TV+, Carol Burnett, Ricky Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Apple TV+ has a hit on their hands with Palm Royale, So it would make sense that the streaming service would want more of the comedic retro soap opera. And today, they announced that we will be getting more episodes.

“‘Palm Royale’ has delighted global audiences and we are thrilled that viewers will have the opportunity to spend more time with this highly entertaining, iconic cast, from Kristen Wiig to the incomparable Carol Burnett,” said Matt Cherniss, head of programming for Apple TV+. “We can’t wait for everyone to experience the next brilliantly witty chapter in the lives of the Palm Beach high society set that Abe Sylvia, Kristen, Laura Dern and this incredible team behind the show have brought so vibrantly to life.”

The show is about West Palm Beach high society in 1969. The season finale ended with a bang, so viewers like me can’t wait to find out what happens next.

Although I won’t be watching if Ricky Martin and Carol Burnett are no longer part of the series, they are the best part and the biggest reason to tune in.


Jimmy Kimmel gives Carol Burnett Bradley Cooper for her birthday
April 25th, 2024 under Carol Burnett, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Carol Burnett turns 91 tomorrow, and Jimmy Kimmel got her the perfect present.

Back in March, Miss Burnett was talking to Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelo, and they asked her if she still wanted to do George Clooney. She told them she is over him and is all about Bradley Cooper.

Well, as soon as Jimmy Kimmel Live’s staff heard that, they called Cooper to tell him that. Then they asked him to record a message for the Queen of Comedy, and he said yes!

So, yesterday, when she was on the show, they played that message for her. Cooper told her that he had been a fan forever and that he would love to work with her.

Someone make that happen and make it happen quickly because Bradley isn’t getting any younger.

Hey, Clooney and Robert Redford, this is how you do it! Don’t just ignore the legendary ladies because neither of you men are that legendary.


Someone asked Kelly Clarkson for her autograph when she was shitting
April 4th, 2024 under Carol Burnett, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

The other day on The Kelly Clarkson Show, an audience member asked what was the strangest fan interaction she, Carol Burnett, and Kristen Wiig ever had.

Clarkson started it off and said it was when she was going to the bathroom. The host was doing #2, and someone slowly slipped a piece of paper and a pen underneath the stall. What did she do? She signed it.

What made this even creepier was that the woman never said a word to her. How shitty is that?

Burnett also had an experience like that. However, in her case, it was a little girl who stuck her head under the stall and asked, “Are you Carol Burnett?” What could she do but say yes?

Would you ever ask a celebrity for their autograph when they were on the porcelain Gd?


Carol Burnett doesn’t have to say anything to be funny
February 26th, 2024 under Apple TV+, Carol Burnett. [ Comments: none ]

Carol Burnett is 90 years young, and she is still as funny as ever.

Case in point. Here she is starring in Apple TV+’s Palm Royale, which debuts on March 20th. She isn’t saying anything, but she is still making me laugh out loud.

How many comedians can do that as well as her? Not many. And that is why we love her so much.


Betty White had Robert Redford, Carol Burnett has…
April 26th, 2023 under Carol Burnett, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Kelly Clarkson had Carol Burnett on her show today to celebrate her 90th, and the host wasn’t the only one asking questions. The audience wanted to learn more about the legendary comedian.

So a woman wanted to know if there is anything left that she wants to accomplish. Without hesitation, Burnett said, “George Clooney!”

Hopefully, he will say yes. Although that it might be the death of her. And what a way to go! I can just hear him telling everyone she let one last Tarzan scream, and then she died with a big smile on her face as though Tim Conway was telling her a story about an elephant.


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