Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Someone asked Kelly Clarkson for her autograph when she was shitting
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[ # ] Someone asked Kelly Clarkson for her autograph when she was shitting
April 4th, 2024 under Carol Burnett, Kelly Clarkson

The other day on The Kelly Clarkson Show, an audience member asked what was the strangest fan interaction she, Carol Burnett, and Kristen Wiig ever had.

Clarkson started it off and said it was when she was going to the bathroom. The host was doing #2, and someone slowly slipped a piece of paper and a pen underneath the stall. What did she do? She signed it.

What made this even creepier was that the woman never said a word to her. How shitty is that?

Burnett also had an experience like that. However, in her case, it was a little girl who stuck her head under the stall and asked, “Are you Carol Burnett?” What could she do but say yes?

Would you ever ask a celebrity for their autograph when they were on the porcelain Gd?


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