Remember that scene in Better Off Dead when Curtis Armstrong accidentally pushed John Cusack into a garbage truck? Well, it looks like someone did the same thing to Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas.
The three brothers were seen in the back of a truck that was carrying discarded trees.
Imagine driving on the highway and seeing them in the back of the logging truck? It would remind you of that scene from Final Destination 2, which has terrified people from driving behind open trucks with logs strapped down in them since 2003.
I would honestly be contemplating if I would want the truck to slam on its breaks so I could have a Jonas Brother in my car. However, there are two problems with that. One, they would probably die from the impact and get blood all over me and my car. Two, with my luck, I would get a tree to the head like the state trooper.
Since this took place in Toronto this weekend, I wonder if they are holding the Jonas Brothers hostage until the dumb-ass removes the unfair tariffs on our peaceful neighbors? Or will Justin Trudeau charge us a 25% tariff to export the band back into the States?
Maybe we can make a trade? We will send Canada Ryan Reynolds, Justin Bieber, and Ted Cruz to get them back. But that is not a fair trade because the Canucks got the short end of the stick. So we can allow them to throw in Nickleback if they want.
What do you think?