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Ryan Seacrest has more to say about Angelina Jolie than she had to say to him
February 19th, 2007 under American Idol 1-5, Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

E!’s resident red carpet monkey Ryan Seacrest is not pleased with Angelina Jolie giving him the brush-off when he tried to interview her at the Golden Globe Awards Monday night. Seacrest, who was covering the event as part of E!’s pre-show, went off on Jolie on his KIIS-FM radio show in L.A. on Wednesday morning. “I asked her four questions and she didn’t even answer me,” he complained. “I literally stood there and tried to ask a couple of questions. At one point I just kind of let the E! microphone sit in front of her for a second to see if she was going to acknowledge it, and she clearly wanted nothing to do with me or my question or my answer or any of it.” Seacrest was more forgiving of Jolie’s other half, Brad Pitt, who was standing next to her during the interview and did most of the talking. “Brad was fantastic.” The host went on to praise the actress for her charity work, but complained about her dour expression on the red carpet: “I think doing good is fantastic. A lot of people are benefiting around the world from their doing of all of these nobles things. But smile." Cohost Ellen K then came to Angie’s defense saying, "Well, she has said that she finds all these award shows a waste of time and money." "Well then don’t go,” Seacrest shot back. “Don’t go. Don’t go support your man. Don’t go."

Us Weekly 

Good for him because I thought he handled the situation with class, Joan Rivers would've ripped her a new one. Don't let her get to you Ryan, you are better than that!


Billy Bob Thornton chose Teletubbies over Angelina Jolie
February 19th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Billy Bob Thornton, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Billy Bob Thornton said his marriage to Angelina Jolie ended because she wanted to save the world and he wanted to stay at home and watch ‘Teletubbies’ on TV. The ‘Bad Santa’ actor denies the rumours that his adultery ended the marriage and claims they both just wanted different things. Billy Bob told Empire magazine: "I never cheated on her. "We had a great relationship. We loved each other the whole time we were together. "We just had different ideas about our lives. She has her thing where she’s all over the world and that’s great, I respect her for that. "I just want to stay at home. I watch a lot of sports on television. I’m a big baseball freak. "And if I’m not watching sports I’m watching ‘Teletubbies’ with my two-year-old daughter Bella."


Luckily she found someone who could keep up with her. And I never heard the rumors he cheated on her, I just heard he did not want to be a dad again.


Angelina Jolie admits Shiloh was an accident
January 10th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie has revealed that, despite her love of motherhood, she did not intend to conceive a child with Brad Pitt. "I wasn’t planning on getting pregnant," she said, before joking: "I’m the one that got knocked up." Article continues below… Speaking in an interview with UK Elle magazine, the mum-of-three explained that at the time her new beau was more intent on having a child than she was. "Some men have kids when they’re not ready and some men know they want to take it seriously and wait until they’re absolutely ready," she said. "You could say Brad changed me." The 31-year-old went on to say she loved her two adopted youngsters Maddox and Zahara just as much as her new baby. Angelina confessed that the difficult start her first two children had in life made her feel a special sympathy for them."I think I feel so much more for Madd and Zee because they’re survivors, they came through so much," she said. "Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I’m conscious that I have to make sure I don’t ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable." And it would seem the Hollywood couple are intent on making sure their young charges have plenty of brothers and sisters. "We definitely want a very big family," she said. "It might seem crazy to build it so quickly, but if we’re going to have ten kids, we’d like to raise them while we’re young." And Brad appears equally as happy to aim for a large brood. "I have three kids now and next year I’ll have six then nine," he said recently. "We’re looking for a soccer team – I want to compete in the next World Cup!"


More proof if Jen would have had his kid they would still be married?


Angelina Jolie uses some fighting words against Madonna
January 7th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie has insisted that she would never adopt a Third World child illegally. The Tomb Raider actress has two adopted children – six-year-old Maddox, born in Cambodia, and one-year-old Zahara Marley, from Ethiopa – but believes that Madonna was playing with fire when she took David Banda from Malawi. "Madonna knew the situation in Malawi, where he was born," Jolie told the Sunday Mirror. "It is a country where there is no real legal framework for adoption. Personally, I prefer to stay on the right side of the law. I would never take a child away from a place where adoption is illegal."

Digital Spy

She is so right though. People forget Angelina really is a brilliant woman and can speak her mind with intelligence! 


Does Angelina Jolie look pregnant to you?
January 4th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

I doubt if she was pregnant she would be drinking, don’t you think?

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