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OMG it is all of the Jolie-Pitts!!!
March 20th, 2011 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]


Fame Pictures
Brad Pitt is in New Orleans filming Cogan’s Trade and Angelina Jolie brought their 6 kids to visit their daddy. Since today he has the day off the Jolie-Pitt clan walked around New Orleans and we got to see all of 8 of them together. When Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne take to the streets with their parents they take up a city block.
BTW the twins have gotten so big and they are both so freaking awwwdorable just like their 4 older brothers and sisters.
Is it wrong for me to think it is about time they expanded their bunch since the twins will be three in July?


Caption what Brad Pitt is saying?
March 11th, 2011 under Brangelina, Caption the Celeb. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Pictures
This picture of Brad Pitt is asking for his thoughts to be captioned, so go ahead and do it.


Johnny Depp thought he was the ugliest one in the bunch
January 13th, 2011 under Brangelina, Johnny Depp. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

I know it is a forgotten memory because it bombed so badly, but Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie did a movie together called The Tourist. Well since the movie and the actors got nominated at the Golden Globes (for some reason), Depp is still talking about the movie and he spoke about hanging out with his co-star and her babies’ daddy. Captain Jack Sparrow told The Sun, “We often went for dinner with them. It was great. I’ve known Brad since the end of the Eighties. It was great to see him as a man and amazing father.” He added: “Angie is a stunner, so is Vanessa. And Brad of course. When we all sat together I was the only ugly one. I’m not the spick-and-span kind of guy. To be honest, I don’t like cutting my hair or trimming my beard.” Even unkempt, he would still be the hottest one in the room to me. Ever since I first saw him in something, I have always thought he was just so gorgeous and even when he was trying to look like sh!t (or in his daily life as he puts it) I still see his beauty. I can’t say that about Pitt as much, not that I don’t find him striking…but he is no Johnny Depp to me.
BTW could you imagine if he felt that way, how everyone else in the room would feel they looked with those four sitting along side them.


Imagine Brad Pitt as John Lennon?
January 7th, 2011 under Brangelina, The Beatles. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Imagine Brad Pitt as John Lennon, I wonder if you can…because I can’t but that might be what we will have to do. According to Daily Express Angelina Jolie’s man is considering starring in a biopic about The Beatle so much so he reportedly talked to Yoko Ono about it. A source told the mag, “Brad already has a writer working on the script. And Yoko has given the project her blessing so long as it’s true to John’s life. Brad wants to do all the singing himself and plans to take voice lessons. If he can’t pull it off they’ll use John’s own voice. Brad has also been immersing himself in videos and books so he can get Lennon’s mannerisms down pat.”
I like Brad Pitt, but he is 7 years older than when Lennon was taken away from us and I think he is too old for the role. Plus he looks nothing like the man who wanted us to Give Peace a Chance. So I might not be able to Imagine it, but can you?


Robert De Niro dies more than any other actor
December 31st, 2010 under Brangelina, Robert De Niro. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder which star has died the most on the big screen? Well ChaCha has compiled a list and Robert De Niro topped it at 14. The next actor who Dies Hard over and over again is Bruce Willis in with 11 deaths. Who is next on the list From Hell, that will be Johnny Depp who became known when Freddy Krueger killed him in Nightmare on Elm Street and he died 9 times after that. Now the list goes on, but I think it is wrong because I think that Brad Pitt who they say died 9 times should be equal with the man he co-starred with in an episode of 21 Jump Street. As you can see in the clip above from Meet Joe Black, he was definitely killed in Meet Joe Black as he was hit not by one, but by two cars in the movie that was so long I feel asleep watching as many times as Pitt has died on the big screen.


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