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Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston should watch the Emmys together
July 28th, 2020 under Brad Pitt, Emmys, Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were both nominated for Emmys today. She was nominated for The Morning Show, and got one for playing Dr. Anthony Fauci on Saturday Night Live.

Since they won’t be able to have another red carpet reunion (due to the coronavirus pandemic) as they did at the SAG Awards, I think they should watch it from one of their homes together. Could you imagine how everyone would go crazy over that? At least something would make TV’s biggest night worth watching.

If he is not up for it, then the Friends should all watch it together at the Friends’ set on the Warner Bros lot.

Isn’t everything about Jennifer Aniston and her reunions? Who will she reunite with on September 20th? Tune in to see. We know it won’t be her TMS co-star Reese Witherspoon, who was a three time loser today. Three chances and no nomination to call her own. I guess the Emmy voters don’t know who she is.

UPDATE: Jennifer Aniston made a funny when she reacted to her nomination. The actress wrote, “Verified
What a morning waking up to this news! I am so proud of my @themorningshow family. This team worked so, so hard to make the best show we possibly could, and I am truly honored to be a part of it. Thanks for this acknowledgment and congratulations to EVERYONE 👏🏼 🥳⠀

“Now, I’m just gonna have to figure out what MASK I’M GONNA WEAR 😷🤔💃🏼!!”

I wonder if she hired Brad Pitt’s people to give her a sense of humor so she can win the award?


Dr. Anthony Fauci is so getting fired over this
April 26th, 2020 under Brad Pitt, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Saturday Night Live was back on our televisions yesterday, and Dr. Anthony Fauci got his dream casting. That is because Brad Pitt played him the cold open.

You know when Donald Trump finds this out, he is going to fire the medical expert due to jealously. Fauci gets a stud, and Trump got a bloated has-been dud. No offense to Alec Baldwin, but he hasn’t been a Brad Pitt since last century.

What I want to know is how this casting came about. On April 10th, Dr. Fauci told CNN’s New Day that he would prefer if Pitt played him. Thus, I want to know if Pitt called SNL or SNL called him. I am hoping for the former.


Is Brad Pitt on Tinder?
January 24th, 2020 under Brad Pitt. [ Comments: none ]

On Sunday night, when Brad Pitt won the SAG Award, the first thing he said during his acceptance speech is, “I got to add this to my Tinder profile.” Well, the next day a lot of women signed up hoping to get a chance to swipe right on the father of six.

Is there a chance he will swipe right on them? None. Not because he is not interested. It is because he is not on it. In fact, he told Extra’s Renee Barg, “I’m not even really sure how it all works.” Why did he say it then? He explained, “It just sounded funny to me.”

If he decides to join, I am sure there are a lot of people who are more than willing to teach him how to do it. Heck, I would teach him. I am enjoying the new Brad Pitt, who likes to laugh more than the serious one we used to know.


Who cares who won SAG Awards, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were photographed together
January 20th, 2020 under Brad Pitt, Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]

Ever since both Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were both nominated for Golden Globe Awards, everyone wanted to see if we would see the exes together again. It did not happen on that night. However, it happened yesterday after they both won SAG Awards.

Thankfully, there was a photographer there to capture the moment. Now, it will be the most spread photos since her other reunion. You know the one with her Friends and not the one with her “good friend” as Pitt described her two weeks ago.

Now that we have seen them together, how much do you want to bet there will be reports that they got remarried and she is pregnant with their first child together. That is why her nipples kept poking through her white gown. She needed to put those things away.


Brad Pitt got his first kiss in fourth grade
January 9th, 2020 under Brad Pitt. [ Comments: none ]

Brad Pitt is one of the actors that most people want to kiss. Before the actor became super kissable, he had to have his first kiss.

Pitt told W Magazine that it happened when he was in fourth grade. He and Lisa planned to meet in her garage, a block from his house. The anticipation was a lot for him, but he went over and “did the deal”. How did it go? He doesn’t remember, all he remembers is running home “because it was just too much.”

Was she his first crush? Far from it, he had crushes starting in kindergarten. He admits he is “addicted.” Just like we are addicted to him.


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