Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brad Pitt got his first kiss in fourth grade
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[ # ] Brad Pitt got his first kiss in fourth grade
January 9th, 2020 under Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is one of the actors that most people want to kiss. Before the actor became super kissable, he had to have his first kiss.

Pitt told W Magazine that it happened when he was in fourth grade. He and Lisa planned to meet in her garage, a block from his house. The anticipation was a lot for him, but he went over and “did the deal”. How did it go? He doesn’t remember, all he remembers is running home “because it was just too much.”

Was she his first crush? Far from it, he had crushes starting in kindergarten. He admits he is “addicted.” Just like we are addicted to him.


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