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Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is anything but a failure
March 8th, 2020 under Alex Newell, NBC, Peter Gallagher, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on NBC’s Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Zoey (Jane Levy) feels like she is failing. Yet, the episode, in general, is a total 100.

Her brother (Andrew Leeds) and his wife (Alice Lee) are having marital problems because they are about to become parents. Neither one is expressing what it wrong to each other. However, they express themselves to Zoey in song, and now she is stuck in the middle.

Things are not going well for her bestie (Skylar Astin) and his new girlfriend (Stephanie Styles). That is not his only problem, Joan (Lauren Graham) reads peer reviews, and Zoey’s co-workers will take the comments about them hard.

Simon (John Clarence Stewart) did not get a review from Joan, but he is having a hard time too. His father’s birthday is coming up and it will be the first one Simon will celebrate without him. There is only one person who he can talk about. What will Zoey tell him?

Meanwhile, her mom (Mary Steenburgen) is helping Simon plan his wedding. Does working with the couple make her want to work again? Something she only did with her husband (Peter Gallagher) who can no longer work or communicate because of his illness.

Finally, there is Mo (Alex Newell) and I just love Mo! That is all!

Well, there is also the music. I will tell you there is a punk rock song tonight, and they make it erotic. I never knew this tune could be sexy, but it can be.

That is just one of the many many reasons why I love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. Since the Coronavirus is keeping us inside, take two episodes of Zoey and call me in the morning.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist shines a little light on Alex Newell
March 1st, 2020 under Alex Newell, NBC, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. [ Comments: none ]
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is one of the most loveable shows on television. Tonight’s episode at 9p on NBC is a perfect example of why.

Zoey (Jane Levy) hears Mo (Alex Newell) sing The Great Pretender by The Platters. When she asks her confident neighbor why she was singing that tune, Mo tells her that her gift of hearing people’s thoughts through song is off.

Zoey thinks she might be right, but that gets proven wrong as soon as she gets to work. First, Zoey hears her friend, Max (Skylar Astin), sing a song that perfectly details that he finally sex with his new girlfriend. Then she hears her boss belt out something that proves she might not be handling her recent split from her husband as well as we thought.

While Zoey is hearing songs, her brother, David (Andrew Leeds), is hearing their dad (Peter Gallagher), who can no longer communicate because of an illness, cry uncontrollably. Andrew is going to be a dad, and both he and his dad realize that maybe Mitch will never see his grandchild be born. What will David do to make his dad be part of his baby’s life? Now, I am crying just thinking about it.

While David is with his dad, his mom (Mary Steenburgen) is helping Zoey’s crush Simon (John Clarence Stewart) plan his wedding. Awkward.

Not as awkward as when Zoey finds out what Mo is pretending to be. As soon as Mo discovers that Zoey knows Mo’s secret, Mo shuts her out. It is something that Alex Newell needs all of the applauds for because Alex’s performance is outstanding. Alex gave what the writers gave Alex to do and turned into something extremely heartfelt, emotional and powerful.

Back to Zoey. Since her next-door neighbor is not talking to her, she might have someone else she can talk to in the building. Bonnie is a shut-in, and Zoey hears her singing songs that you only hear at a bar in the Florida Keys like Margaritaville. Zoey is going to do everything in her to lure her out of her apartment. Will she be able to do it?

Can at least one of the people Zoey’s power is telling her to help finally benefit from it?

There are so many wonderful things about Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, I don’t know why you are not watching. There are great songs, excellent writing and storylines, amazing chemistry between the actors, and lots of emotions. There is one emotion you walk away with at the end of each episode and it is pure joy.

It is a Sunday night, football is over, so why not watch. There is nothing else on. I promise you will love it.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist will bring out the music in us
February 16th, 2020 under Alex Newell, NBC, Peter Gallagher, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. [ Comments: none ]
Ever since NBC introduced us to Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist a few weeks ago, we have been waiting for the second episode to air. Tonight at 9p (after a repeat of the series premiere), it is finally airing and you better get ready to sing and dance.

The episode starts off with Zoey (Jane Levy) waking up and having the music in her. Now, that she knows what her day has in store for her, it is time for work. Things are tough because her team is not accepting her as their boss. While she is trying to get them to focus on the job, her BFF Max (Skylar Astin) starts to sing the Jonas Brothers’ Sucker to her.

She is not into him like that, so she brings her confidante and neighbor Mo (Alex Newell) to the coffee shop, which is her haunt with Max, to try and see if the barrister in interested in her good friend. While they are there, the coffee shop breaks out into song and Mo tries to see and hear what Zoey is experiencing. Mo does not, and is no closer to understanding what is happening to Zoey.

While they are at a loss for understanding what is going on, Zoey’s family has a better understanding of what is going on in her dad’s head. Mitch’s (Peter Gallagher) new medicine is giving him some more mobility and her brother, David (Andrew Leeds), has found a way to help him communicate. David gave his dad a buzzer to buzz once for yes and twice for no. It seems like a great idea until his wife (Mary Steenburgen) needs more than a yes or no answer from, and he cannot give it to her. However, he can give it to Zoey in a song. What does that song mean, something no daughter wants to know about her parents.

In a time when shows are all dark and gloomy, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist finds a way to bring us joy. It is an endearing show with characters you root for and sing along with. So much so, I want a Mo in my life. Everyone needs a Mo. Alex Newell is the brightest star among several shining stars. I cannot get all of the heartfelt acting and singing that is done on this show. There are plenty of surprise singers on it like Gallagher and Steenburgen. You could not ask for a better cast than the one they got for ZEP.

Fall in love with all of them tonight at every Sunday at 9p. Or every day because I cannot stop watching this show. It is that freaking amazing!


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist lives up to its name because it is extraordinary
January 7th, 2020 under Alex Newell, NBC, Peter Gallagher, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 10p, we get a sneak peek of NBC’s new show Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and you don’t want to miss the best new show of the season. As much as I love Bob Hearts Abeshola, Carol’s Second Act, Evil, and Perfect Harmony, no new show has wowed me like ZEP. Once you watch it, you will see why it is so easy to fall in love with it.

Zoey (Jane Levy) is a coder who hates music. Her next door neighbor Mo (Alex Newell) plays and sing it as loud as he can, even though Zoey tells him to turn it down. Zoey needs quiet because she up for a big promotion at work. She has an interview with her boss (Lauren Graham), and she does not want to blow it. Thankfully, she has her work friend, Max (Skylar Astin), to give her the encouragement she desperately needs. Now, if only he can encourage enough to go after Simon (John Clarence Stewart), the guy she likes at her job. If that is not enough to handle, her father (Peter Gallagher) is dying from a rare brain disease that leaves him speechless and trapped in his own body. Zoey worries how her dad’s health is affecting her mom (Mary Steenburgen), who is his caretaker.

All of this stress is causing Zoey to have headaches, and she is afraid she might have what her father has. Therefore, her mom tells her to get an MRI. While she is in it, listening to some music, an earthquake rattles the city and the machine. Thus, it causes her to download all of the music that it is has to offer.

When she is out of the machine, she starts to hear people singing their thoughts to her, and she cannot make it stop. As strangers sing The Beatles’ Help to her, she runs home and seeks help from her neighbor. Zoey will now depend on Mo to help her understand what is going on. Mo knows music, and Zoey cannot escape it.

When she is at work, she will hear someone sing the saddest version of Tears For Fears’ Mad World, and it will give her an insight to what they are secretly dealing with, in their personal life. She will try to help them, and it makes her think maybe there is something good that can come out of this new ability. However, when the lightbulb moment comes, get the tissues ready because it will leave you with tears in your eyes.

It is a sweet moment, just like this show in general. Each week, Zoey is going to have to learn to deal with people singing their innermost feelings to her. Then she is going to have to figure out how to help them without letting them know what she can do. Sometimes she will get it right. Other times, she will get it completely wrong. Can she fix it, or will she hear another song? We will just have to keep tuning in after it returns on Sunday, February 16th, its regularly scheduled night.

When it comes to the song choices, they are songs that everyone will know. Some of the songs are even better than the original versions. There are some breakout singers in the cast like Gallagher and Steenburgen. Who knew they could sing? We already know that Astin and Newell can belt out a tune. What we didn’t know about Newell, is he can act. He is the best part of this musical dramedy, and there are many bright spots.

So many you are not going to want to miss it tonight or Sundays starting on February 16th.


Glee tones it down for season 4!
September 13th, 2012 under Alex Newell, Glee. [ Comments: none ]

Glee is back for its fourth season tonight at 9p and it graduates to a whole new level of goodness. I have to admit I had grown to the point that I loved to hate Glee, but the season premiere made me love to love the show again.
The show starts off with Rachel in NYADA taking dance classes from Kate Hudson and she is no longer the star. Her character is getting knocked down a peg and because of that we get a New more likable Rachel. She is basically a little fish in a big sea and she is barely able to swim. She will make one friend and Brody (Dean Geyer) will have you motoring.
There is no Finn sighting tonight and we find out that Kurt did not get into the school with his BFF. So he is back home and walking around McKinely High like he still goes there while he waits to start community college.
Now back to McKinely High, Tina is finally breaking out and that is a very good thing. Artie is just there, Blaine is Blaine and Brittany is still Brittany without her Santana. On that note the only Glee graduates we see tonight are Rachel and Kurt, the rest are no where to be found. Sue Sylvester is also barely there, but in one scene we get to meet her new baby that she brings to work.
And talking about babies, there are a bunch of additions to the cast this year! Season 3 sensation Alex Newell returns as Unique and he has transferred to McKinley. Puck might be gone, but his half-brother Jake is trying to join the Glee Club. Also new to the club is Marley (Melissa Benoist) and she will blow you away. If you thought Lea Michele could sing, wait until hear their cross-country duet for Billy Joel’s New York State of Mind.
On the song front, I am praying that the show finally makes Call Me Maybe go away like all the other kitchy songs they have done in the past like Forget You, I’m Sexy and I Know It, and Friday to name a few. Kate Hudson sings a mashup of Lady Gaga’s Americano and J-Lo’s Dance Again. They end the episode with Adele’s Chasing Pavements. There is one big number that comes before it and it is the rare one where the original is so much better. Blaine sings Imagine Dragon’s It’s Time to Kurt and it just doesn’t work.
Could be because while the NYADA cast got new choreographers, McKinley did not. They so desperately need new moves because they have been boring me since season 1.
Now on that note, tonight’s season premiere is as good as the series one. The show is so tuned down, that it is fun again. It feels more like Fame the series than it does Glee and that is a very good thing. It is real and not cheesy. It is enjoyable again! My theory is that is because Ryan Murphy is so busy with American Horror Story and The New Normal, that he doesn’t have time to make Glee over the top. So if that means keeping TNN on NBC for a full season, so be it. I would rather have Glee like this than Ryan Murphized.
So if you gave up on the show, its time to come back. It’s what was, and not what it has become.
Oh and Kate Hudson has never looked or acted better than she does on Glee tonight. She was born for this role more than any of her others. She will wow you like hasn’t done since Almost Famous. If you need a reason to tune, then she is it.


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