Back in the ’80s, Billy Idol and Bryan Adam were two of the decade’s biggest rockers. The Rebel Yell singer was a harder rocker while the Summer of ’69 one was softer. Which means, they were opposites and they would not have gone on tour together.
That was then and this is now. They are no longer only Dancing with Myself because 35 years later, the two of them are hitting the road in August together with an epic 8-city tour in the North East. Giving fans of the ’80s a wet dream of a double bill.
Hopefully, if it makes a lot of Mony, Mony, they will expand their dates to the rest of the country. So on May 1st, Run to You computer and get your tickets to see them rocking. I bet you it is a night that will leave you in Heaven.
I wonder what song they will sing together on the tour? I am thinking it will be the Canadian’s Diana because it was about Princess Diana and Idol is British.