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Hot Links!
November 3rd, 2024 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


The best McDonald’s news since the McRib was saved – Celebitchy

Kim Kardashian is a lizard – Egotastic

Watch the trailer for Squid Games 2 – WDJX

Where is Martha Stewart’s ex-husband? – Screen Rant

Will we ever see Leslie Nielsen’s last movie??? – Grunge

The best and worst Halloween celebrity costumes – Pajiba

Did Margot Robbie have a Barbie or a Ken??? – Farandulista

Madonna’s daughter’s boobs are showing – Drunken Stepfather


James Van Der Beek is battling colorectal cancer
November 3rd, 2024 under James Van Der Beek. [ Comments: none ]

James Van Der Beek/Instagram

Next month, James Van Der Beek is taking it all off on Fox’s The Real Full Month to bring awareness to prostate, testicular, and colorectal cancer testing and research.

Today, he announced that he was battling cancer. “I have colorectal cancer. I’ve been privately dealing with this diagnosis and have been taking steps to resolve it, with the support of my incredible family,” he told People. “There’s reason for optimism, and I’m feeling good.”

The actor did not elaborate on when he was diagnosed, nor what stage he was diagnosed with. Hopefully, it was early, and he will beat it.

Van Der Beek’s wife Kimberly and their six kids, Olivia, Joshua, Annabel, Emilia, Gwendolyn, and Jeremiah, are supporting him.


Pete Davidson returns to SNL for one of the best skits in a really long time
November 3rd, 2024 under Pete Davidson, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you drank milk from the Duane Reade in Penn Station? We know now, thanks to Saturday Night Live. What happens? You get one of the most brilliant skits on SNL with Pete Davidson and John Mulaney.

Just when you think they couldn’t do another politically incorrect parody of a Broadway musical number, they did. I laughed out loud, and my cat got scared.

So, the moral of this sketch is not to drink milk from Penn Station. If you do, you might get really trippy and write the best bit of your career. And you won’t be able to do it again without drinking that milk. And the doctors at Bellvue told you you might die if you die because it is poison.


Tell your mamala that Kamala was on Saturday Night Live
November 3rd, 2024 under Politics, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

We are days away from the election, and Vice President Kamala Harris made a last-minute stop at Saturday Night Live yesterday.

The future President of the United States had some reflection time with her doppelganger Maya Rudolph, and she learned what her what her laugh really sounds like!

I love having a President who can laugh at herself. And not one who doesn’t understand why we are laughing at him.


Michael Bublé also says, ‘It’s time!’
November 2nd, 2024 under Michael Bublé. [ Comments: none ]

Every November 1st, Mariah Carey declares that it is Christmastime because she is the Queen of Christmas.

This year, the King of Christmas, Michael Bublé, made the same declaration.

So now that the King and Queen said, “It’s time,” that means it’s time!


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