Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2024 » January
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What is, Emma Stone thinks she’s too good for Celebrity Jeopardy?
January 12th, 2024 under Emma Stone, Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]

Alexi Lubomirski for Variety

Emma Stone is a celebrity, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be on Celebrity Jeopardy.

She told Variety that she wants to be on OG Jeopardy. “I apply every June,” the actress said. “I don’t want to go on ‘Celebrity Jeopardy.’ I want to earn my stripes. You can only take the test once a year with your email address, and I’ve never gotten on the show. I watch it every single night and I mark down how many answers I get right. I swear, I could go on ‘Jeopardy.’”

Maybe it is because I hated The Curse so much. But she needs to get over herself. Smarter actors have done Celebrity Jeopardy, and it was good enough for them.


Daniel Levy’s classmates thought American Pie was about him
January 12th, 2024 under Eugene and Daniel Levy, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest. After we saw American Pie, we thought how cool it would be to have Eugene Levy as our dad.

What did Daniel Levy think about that? Since Eugene is his dad? He told Kelly Clarkson, “It’s a weird thing to grow up watching your dad just hand out porn to some other kid.”

And with that, you can tell that he watched the movie. But never with his parents. Thankfully, his friend warned him not to go see the film with his mother and father. So he missed out on going to the Los Angeles premiere because of that advice. And it was sage advice.

While that friend knew the dealio, his classmates did not. Therefore, they thought the picture was his autobiography.

And, I think, that is a bigger nightmare than anything Freddy Krueger could dream up.


Jennifer Hudson has something to sing about a third season!
January 12th, 2024 under Jennifer Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, we found out that Drew Barrymore’s daytime talk show was picked up for a fifth season. And today, Jennifer Hudson announced that hers will be back for a third season in the Fall.

“There is nothing I love more than watching people come together in positivity on one accord – sharing our humanity and our stories, learning from each other, and celebrating one another,” Hudson said in a statement. “I feel so blessed to have this platform where we do just that every single day. We get to experience life to the fullest – we laugh out loud, we cry joyful tears, we dance the best we can, and we sing our hearts out. I owe my thanks to so many – to my incredible staff and crew at ‘The Jennifer Hudson Show,’ our amazing station partners that bring the show to audiences across the country, and most importantly, our beautiful viewers for allowing me into your home. We are already dreaming up bigger dreams for Season 3 and I can’t wait to share them with you!”

Hudson has gotten more comfortable hosting, and because of that, she has been finding more viewers. Thus, the pickup!

Congrats to the EGOT winner!


Hot Links!
January 12th, 2024 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Are John Krasinski and Emily Blunt getting a divorce? – Celebitchy

Sacreliage – Screen Rant

LaToya Jackson in Playboy – The Nip Slip

The Spice Girls got their own stamps – The Cut

Michael Strahan’s daughter has a brain tumor – Pajiba


Guess who is hugging a Christmas tree?
January 12th, 2024 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who isn’t afraid of the thorns, then click here!


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