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What do you think of Pauly Shore’s Richard Simmon’s short film?
January 21st, 2024 under Pauly Shore, Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

For a while, Pauly Shore has been trying to make a movie about his doppelganger, Richard Simmons. And he finally made a short about The Weight Saint’s life.

The Court Jester had its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, and then it was released for everyone to watch on YouTube.

The less than ten-minute short is mostly credits and a scene that could be part of the movie which does not have Simmons’ “permission.”

It takes place later in Simmons’ life when he appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The production is cheap, and the casting of Ellen was atrocious. But the story told was sweet, and makes us miss Simmons even more than we do.

While I am more willing to accept Shore’s potential movie because I think he will honor Simmons correctly. I still wish he would get Simmons’ approval.

What do you think of Shore’s short?


Justin Timberlake will be SNL’s musical guest
January 19th, 2024 under Justin Timberlake, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

After Britney Spears released her autobiography, where she claimed that Justin Timberlake convinced her to abort their baby, he has been persona non grata by her friends.

Because of that, we haven’t heard much from him since then. And now it looks like he is coming out of hiding.

Today, Saturday Night Live announced that he will be the musical guest on January 27th.

Are we ready to forgive him like most did after the Janet Jackson fiasco? We shall see.


Richard Simmons shares an inspirational message
January 19th, 2024 under Hot Links!, Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

Richard Simmons has been mostly silent for almost a decade. But this week, he broke his silence twice.

First, he made it clear he was not involved in Pauly Shore’s biopic about him.

And today, he posted a message for all of us. “All I want for all of you is to be happy and peaceful. Please don’t let anyone be mean to you or put you down,” he wrote. “You don’t deserve that. Never forget I keep all of you in my prayers every single night. Know your worth.”

And Mr. Simmons, You are in our prayers. I hope you are well because you have made so many people happy. And you deserve to have happiness.


Green Day turned a NYC subway station into a basket case!
January 19th, 2024 under Green Day, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: 1 ]

Green Day is promoting their new album, Saviors, which is out today. So they did a stopover on The Tonight Show to get the word out.

Jimmy Fallon thought they should do more than just perform in his studio, so he had them sing their songs in a NYC subway station.

And the commuters didn’t have a problem with that. In fact, they rocked out along with the band as they san Basket Case, Dilemma, Look Ma, No Brains, and American Idiot.

We already got a bitchin’ sneak peek of the latter song when someone posted it on TikTok. And the whole mini-concert was bombtastic!

To see the tunes that didn’t make it on air, then click here!


Listen to Richard Marx get serenaded by a fan!
January 19th, 2024 under Richard Marx. [ Comments: none ]

Richard Marx did a stopover in NYC during his tour with Rick Springfield, but it was the singer who got a special performance.

That is because a woman serenaded him with his song Right Here Waiting. She was right there waiting for that moment, and she made the most of it.

The mystery woman has such a beautiful voice; I hope that someone sees this video and gives her a recording deal.


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