Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2023 » August
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Seth MacFarlane donates $1 million to the Entertainment Community Fund
August 1st, 2023 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Seth MacFarlane came out today and picketed with the actors and staff from his animated show Family Guy at Fox Studios. What his fellow strikers didn’t know is that he donated $1 million to the Entertainment Community Fund, according to Variety.

When he got home, he wrote a message on social media explaining his actions. “Pictured here are some of the incredible members of the Family Guy team this morning. Back in 2010, I was one foot out the door gearing up for ‘Ted’, with no sense yet of the future of the animated series without me. I needn’t have worried. The amazing team of writers, artists, actors, assistants, associates, production staff, etc. etc. were already steering the ship without me, and they’re still doing it today. They are people who have become my lifelong friends, and they regularly remind me of the best part of this business: working alongside people who utilize their talents and abilities to make your shared work better. I hope everyone in this photo takes a personal sense of ownership of Family Guy because it is beyond deserved,” he wrote. “And most importantly, EVERYONE here deserves to make a comfortable living in the industry to which they give so much of themselves. Very proud to walk the picket line with this group today. None of them should have to wait any longer for a fair and equitable deal. Also, I’m so glad no one smelled the booze in my coffee.”

We know MacFarlane for his naughty humor (which I have always found hysterical), but did you know he secretly has a huge heart? I worked for a nonprofit, and I kept hearing how he donated a lot of money to several charities. Then a few years later, I adopted my cat from a place where he donated so much money that they were able to build a cage-free facility for the cats to stay in until they found their furever homes. And these are just a few examples. Who knows what else he has done?

So the next time you question if you should watch a show or movie from him, do it. You know the money he makes will go to a good cause. I tell my cat that is Uncle Seth because, without his donation, I never would have found her.


Want to stay in Gwyneth Paltrow’s guest house?
August 1st, 2023 under Airbnb, Gwyneth Paltrow. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever dreamed of spending a night at Gwyneth Paltrow’s home? Well, now you can because the actress teamed up with Airbnb to rent her guesthouse for the night. She will even greet you at the door, and you can have dinner with her husband, Brad Falchuk.

Why is she doing this? “Loneliness is a human condition, but in the past few years, increased isolation and our lack of community has made our lives even more fragmented. @airbnb had the brilliant idea of doing something to make the world a little less lonely, which is why I’m inviting you to come stay at my Montecito guesthouse for a night,” she wrote. “While we may begin as strangers, I hope we’ll find connections and commonalities over a delicious meal. Lay by the pool, go on one of my favorite hikes and of course you’ll have a bathroom stocked with my favorite @goop products for a truly luxuriating stay. Book on August 15 at 10am PST at the link in my bio. Hope to host you soon.”

Out of all the celebrities to cure loneliness, Paltrow is towards the bottom of my list. She comes off as warm as an ice cube to me.

But then again, I would stay at her place for the free GOOP products.


Oh look, its One Tree Hill’s Hilarie Burton and Lee Norris!
August 1st, 2023 under One Tree Hill. [ Comments: none ]

It has been 11 years since One Tree Hill ended its run on The CW, but fans of the show are still obsessed with it. And more importantly, the cast is still obsessed with each other!

Hilarie Burton took her daughter, George, 5, on a trip to North Carolina, and she stopped by to see Lee Norris and his wife, Andrea, and their son, 3. What we got is a photo of Peyton and Mouth together again.

Knowing how close the cast is and how popular the series still is, I will never understand why one of the networks has never given it a revival. I would totally watch an updated version of the adventures of the Scotts and their friends. Would you?


Joe Manganiello gets custody of Bubbles
August 1st, 2023 under Joe Manganiello, Sofia Vergara. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since it was revealed that Joe Manganiello and Sofia Vergara are getting a divorce, I wanted to know who was going to get custody of the estranged couple’s dog.

I believe that she should go to the Magic Mike star because he carries Bubbles with him everywhere. It is pure puppy love between the two.

Today, we got the answer. Daily Mail is reporting that the Modern Family star is letting her soon-to-be ex-husband keep the chihuahua.

A source told the paper, “Not in a million years would Joe part ways with his dog Bubbles and Sofia is well aware of this. Joe said Sofia was gracious about him keeping Bubbles after their breakup.

“Neither one of them is bitter or out for revenge, and Sofia loves Bubbles and wants her to be happy which is precisely why she’s letting Joe have custody.”

Bubbles, 10, was rescued by them in 2021.


Judge Reinhold explains why the strikes are going on for so long
August 1st, 2023 under Judge Reinhold. [ Comments: none ]

The writers’ strike is in its fourth month, and the actors’ is in its second, and it looks like neither side is going to come to the table anytime soon.

I couldn’t fully understand why the AMPTP is not coming to the table to negotiate a deal that would get everyone back to work, and earn them money. But then Fast Times at Ridgemont High’s Judge Reinhold explained it perfectly.

I’m making my own films now. The first is a western.

I won’t accept a “waiver” to stockpile content for the very companies who are attempting to take away our ability to make a living.
I won’t cross our union line.

We’re striking for survival. Striking to be able to sustain a living.

Our residuals, our health insurance, our UNION has saved myself and my family through highs and lows for 40 years.

Throughout my career, studios were run by people who came up through the ranks and understood what it took to create film and television content. They reluctantly accepted a partnership as the way for them to make billions. Big tech companies are disconnected from the process and don’t want a partnership. They never have and they never will. They understand numbers and algorithms, not storytelling craftsmanship or entertainment.

They see anything they pay to the creative community as a LOSS for their bottom line.
This is not an opinion. This is the reality. It’s scary to realize the truth.

This strike is NOT our fault.
This strike is not for the faint of heart.

Decent, innocent, talented people are going to be financially devastated …

If we splinter off by creating loopholes for ourselves and others to walk through, we lose.

If we don’t stand strong and fearless for ourselves and our future WE WILL LOSE what the people before us were courageous enough to WIN.

And there you have it. Creatives are not running the studios and streaming services; businessmen are. Business people only see dollar signs, so they don’t understand creativity and all the blood, sweat, and tears that go into it. In the same way, we don’t understand business.

And because they don’t understand it, nor do they care about people, they are letting their companies go into the shitter and destroying people’s lives.

However, if they understood what actors and writers do to get the CEOs their multi-million salaries,  then maybe their companies wouldn’t be in the red. The studios need to bring back people who worked their way to the top and not keep merging with tech firms that have no emotions like computers.

I hope that Judge Reinhold considers running for SAG President because he would do a better job than the publicity whore who is doing the job now.


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