Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2023 » February
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Dick Van Dyke leaves them in tears on The Masked Singer
February 16th, 2023 under Dick Van Dyke, Nicole Scherzinger. [ Comments: none ]

The Masked Singer has been saying that they were going to have their greatest reveal this season, and they weren’t lying.

Yesterday on the season premiere, the Gnome sang When Your Smiling, and that left the audience smiling. However, it was not good enough to send him through to the next round. So when it came time to reveal who he was, there were tears from Nicole Scherzinger and the audience. Because everyone loves Dick Van Dyke, and they felt so fortunate to be in the same room with him to witness his greatness at 97. That’s right. He is 97, but you would never it looking at those beautiful blue eyes.

He never ages, even though he gets better with it.

Thank you to the Fox singing competition for making this happen. It was a genuine surprise and well worth it.

To hear him sing the song, he performed on the show, then click here!


Ryan Seacrest out…of Live with Kelly
February 16th, 2023 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest made a huge announcement on Live with Kelly and Ryan. After six long winters, he is leaving the show and New York City this Spring when American Idol goes live.

“I’m going to miss my work wife and all the laughter we share. When I signed on to host Live in 2017 it was meant to be for 3 years, but I loved the job and working with Kelly so much that I extended my time,e and last yea,r I made the decision to stay on for one more final season,” he wrote. “I’ve been grateful to be able to share a cup of coffee with our viewers everyday, one of the best parts of the gig.”

So who will replace him? Kelly Ripa’s husband, Mark Consuelos. She had this say to him, “Welcome home, or to the contractual obligation phase of our relationship.”

It will be interesting to see how the viewers will accept the couple on a daily basis. That, and if their marriage will survive working side by side five days a week, and then spending their off time together. That is a lot of time to spend with someone.

When it comes to Seacrest, I am sure he will find another television hosting gig soon. He always does. He always does.


Hot Links!
February 15th, 2023 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

This is why Kate Middleton won’t hug Meghan Markle – Celebitchy

RIP Raquel Welch – Dlisted

Who are the new Descendants? – Screen Rant

Selena Gomez downing spray cheese – Egotastic

Cindy Crawford in lingerie – Drunken Stepfather

Bryan Cranston was once the suspect in a murder – Grunge

What movie is Steven Speilberg happy he turned down? – Pajiba


Josh Groban just gave me nightmares
February 15th, 2023 under Josh Groban. [ Comments: none ]

Josh Groban might have the voice of an angel that soothes me to sleep, but he has a glare that will keep me up all night.

Look at his haunting eyes in the picture he took as he preps for Sweeney Todd on Broadway, which begins previews on February 26th. He looks as though he is going to cut my hair and then me up for meat pies.

I know that is the point, but I am still scared.

I think I am going to have to listen to some Death Metal so I can get some sleep tonight.


BTWF: Paul Reiser on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson
February 15th, 2023 under Before They Were Famous, Paul Reiser. [ Comments: none ]

Before Paul Resier produced Here’s Johnny about The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson, he made his debut on the late night talk show. How funny was the 26-year-old in that 1982 episode?


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