Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022 » January
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Dolly Parton in her birthday suit
January 19th, 2022 under Dolly Parton. [ Comments: none ]

Dolly Parton turned 76 today, so to honor it, she shared a photo of herself in her birthday suit. But wait, she is still wearing clothes. Yes, she is, but she is wearing a suit, and it is her birthday. Therefore, it is her birthday suit.

Since she made the joke, I am making it for clickbait. That and I get to wish America’s Most Loved Living Lady a very happy birthday. And I wish for her to have many, many, many more!


How excited are you for Outlander’s season 6 trailer?
January 19th, 2022 under Sam Heughan. [ Comments: 1 ]

Outlander will be back for its sexth, I mean, sixth season on March 6th. Today, Starz released the first trailer for it, and I am sure there are plenty of excited women.

Since I haven’t watched the show since the second season, I don’t know what it is going. But I know people love it, and I love when people check out my site. So that is why I posted it. Did it work?


Would you wear a Oscar Mayer bologna beautifying mask?
January 19th, 2022 under Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

Oscar Mayer is known for their lunch meats, and now they are getting into the beautifying masks business. That is because they just released bologna face masks.

I know you are thinking, gross, I am not going to put cold cuts on my face like I did when I was a kid. Don’t worry; it is not made of whatever bologna is made of. The Hydrogel Sheets are made with ingredients like witch hazel botanical, seaweed-derived ingredients, collagens, and serotonin.

If you are like me and you want to try it, then you can get it on Amazon for $4.99.

Just remember after you remove it, throw it out, and don’t eat it. It is not the same thing we used when we were kids.


Hot Links!
January 18th, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

What does Amy Schumer look like after liposuction? – Dlisted

Is Bono embarrassed by U2? – Grunge

Kate Bosworth in a bikini- Drunken Stepfather

Which actor cancelled themself on Twitter? – Pajiba

Now I am even more excited for The Boys – Screen Rant

What does Bob Mackie think of the Kardashians? – Celebitchy


Jennifer Love Hewitt reveals if she will be back on 9-1-1
January 18th, 2022 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: 1 ]

At the end of last season of 9-1-1, Jennifer Love Hewitt announced that she was pregnant with her third child. When the show came back this season, she did a few episodes before disappearing. As in her character, Maddie suffered from postpartum and ran away. Her baby daddy Chimney (Kenneth Choi) went looking for her, and we saw him searching for her for a few episodes. Then there was no mention of them.

So I wondered if Hewitt and Choi would be coming back. Today, the actress gave us an update. “Oh Maddie how I have missed you,” Hewitt wrote. “Since you’ve been gone we both have changed. But coming back together feels good. See you guys in March. @911onfox”

There you have it; Maddie and Chimney will return when the show returns with new episodes in March. How they will be received? That will be interesting to see.


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