Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2021
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The Unknown Comic comes out of retirement to retire
December 23rd, 2021 under 70s. [ Comments: none ]

Back when the original Gong Show was on the air in the ’70s and ’80s, the Unknown Comic was one of its biggest stars. Everyone wanted to know who was the mystery man under that paper bag.

That was then. Where is he now? He announced on Twitter, “I Retired 15 years ago & realized nobody knew I retired so gonna come out of retirement for a few gigs & try to retire again.”

Now, he is up there with other legendary acts from that era like Cher, Barbra Streisand, and Mötley Crüe, as in saying they retired from live shows but resumed touring after some time.

If you want to see him live, then you can catch him at JR’s Comedy Club in Simi Valley on February 25th, JR’s Comedy in Valencia on the next night, Marine Comedy Winery in Novato on April 2nd, and Ventura Comedy Club sometime in April.

Maybe, just like paper bags, his career could have a resurgence, and he won’t retire again.


Audi gives the Wheel of Fortune contestant the car she should’ve won
December 23rd, 2021 under Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: 1 ]

Charlene made it to the final round of Wheel of Fortune the other night. All she had to do was guess the correct phrase on the board. And she did. But she took too long of a pause between Choosing The Right and Word, so Pat Sajak told her that she didn’t win the prize, which was an Audi Q3.

Well, needless to say, fans were royally upset over it. No one more than Audi themselves. Therefore, they wrote on Twitter, “You’re a winner in our eyes, Charlene. Now, let’s get you a prize. Time to #GiveHerTheQ3.”

Twitter did their magic, and Charlene was put in touch with the car company. Now, we just have to wait for her to claim her prize. Good thing she also won $16,500 on the game show because she can use that to pay for the taxes on the car that she was given as a present. Nothing is ever for free.

I respect Audi for standing up and doing the right thing. Even if Wheel of Fortune’s rules forbade them from doing the right thing in the first place. Bah humbug to the rules.


Bella Thorne taking a bubble bath
December 23rd, 2021 under Bella Thorne, Taking a bath. [ Comments: none ]

It is cold all over the country, so men need something to warm them up. Therefore, Bella Thorne has given them that thing. It is a photo of her taking a bubble bath.

Since I am a girl, I want to know how she was able to get the bubbles to stay up like that. And the boys want to know how to get them to pop. And that is why we are the opposite sex.


What are the most annoying words of 2021?
December 23rd, 2021 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Marist Polls

For over a decade, whatever has been declared the most annoying word of the year. Would that be the case again this year? Nope. Whatever.

So what is the most annoying word in 2021? It is two, and they are Trump and coronavirus.

Whatever. They only asked 600 people, that is not enough to knock whatever down a few notches. It will be back. And if not, whatever.

What are your most annoying words of the year?


Mariah Carey went to McDonald’s to order from the Mariah Menu
December 23rd, 2021 under Fast Food, Mariah Carey. [ Comments: none ]

Mariah Carey teamed up with McDonald’s to give away a free item from their menu during the month of December.

While she was driving around in Aspen with her kids, Roc and Roe, the singer saw a MickeyD’s. So she asked the driver to go through the drive-thru to get something off Mariah Menu. Then she went inside in a red gown, much to the delight of the workers and the customers.

Even though she probably went into the restaurant for the first time in decades, we still haven’t seen her eat anything from the fast food giant.


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