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See how they rehearse for surgery scenes on Chicago Med
May 6th, 2021 under Dick Wolf. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever watched a medical drama and wondered how they prep for surgery scenes? Well, now we know. Wolf Entertainment shared a behind-the-scenes video of Steven Weber and Yaya Da Costa rehearsing for their big moment on the NBC show yesterday.

How interesting is it to see that their dummy bleeds? That would freak me out, but for them, it is just a normal day.


Watch the cast of All American cut loose, Footloose
May 6th, 2021 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

When you work on a TV show or a movie, there is a lot of downtime. Therefore, you have to come up with things to keep you busy. The cast of All America took that time to learn how to do the Footloose dance. So sit back and watch them cut loose to Kenny Loggins’ song with Kevin Bacon’s moves.

I think they need to add line dancing to the show next season. Who doesn’t want to see Ryan McPartlin, Taye Diggs, and the rest of the cast dancing on each episode? I know I do.


Is that Ariana Grande or her wax statue?
May 6th, 2021 under Ariana Grande, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Sometimes you see a wax statue, and you are like, who is that supposed to be. Well, there is no denying that Ariana Grande’s life-size candle is her. If the singer were there at Madame Tussauds Hollywood’s today when they debuted her figure, I wouldn’t know which one is the real deal and which one is Memorex. Seriously, doesn’t it look exactly like her?


Evil Everywhere is a throwback to low budget ’80s slasher films
May 6th, 2021 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

I love Horror movies, and my favorite type of them is really low-budget ’80s slasher films. They were so bad; they were awesome. It was the bad acting and the cheap special effects that I love so much. It was obvious they were using props you would find in a Halloween store for the bloody murder scenes. Even the killers’ backstories were as ludicrous as the murders they committed. The films were in on the joke, and that is what made them fun.

Today’s horror movies rely heavily on CGI and sadism. They took the fun out of the genre. But every now and again, there comes a movie that recaptures that feel. Evil Everywhere is one of those pictures.

It is described as, “In 1985, an ancient evil began slaughtering the high school senior class in alphabetical order – but it was stopped. Two years later it has resurfaced, and a trio of friends must join together against the demonic force that is claiming new young lives. But what they discover is more complicated and evil than any of them imagined.”

If you are into this type of movie like I am, then you will want to mark May 25th on your calendar. That is when it will be available on Home Video.


Why wearing masks gives Ice-T flashbacks
May 6th, 2021 under Ice-T/ Coco. [ Comments: none ]

Before Ice-T was playing a cop on Law & Order: SVU, he was trying not to get caught by them. Back then, he was robbing banks and wore masks inside of them to do so. Then in 2020, he had to do it again. Not rob banks, but wear a mask in one.

“This COVID thing, the first time I walked into my bank, and I had that mask on. I had a flashback. I was like, yo, yo, what is going on,” he told EW Live’s, Dalton Ross. “It was really a trip.”

That had to be so weird for him. I know I feel weird wearing a mask in a bank. I always tell the teller, I am not here to rob you, but I would be more than willing to take whatever extra money you want to give me for free.


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