Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2021 » May
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Happy Mother’s Day!
May 9th, 2021 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Today we honor the women who raised us to be the people we became. They were the first ones to love us, and they taught us how to love everyone that same way. So today, show them all the love they gave us and then some.
Happy Mother’s Day!


Imagine Dragons go hard and Cutthroat
May 7th, 2021 under Imagine Dragons, Music. [ Comments: none ]

When you think of Imagine Dragons‘ songs, you think of them as Alternative Pop Rock. However, their new song Cutthroat sounds like something a person who wants to cut your throat would sing.

Dan Reynolds’ calming voice is anything but on the tune. Instead, he is screaming like someone in a Heavy Metal band.

Is it bad? No, I really got into it. I just never expected this type of sound to come from them.

I am used to listening to their albums to calm down. But this one makes me want to get up and Rock out. I like it, and I want more of it.


Watch Wendy Williams scare her friends
May 7th, 2021 under Wendy Williams. [ Comments: none ]

On Monday, Wendy Williams’ wax figure will make its debut at Madame Tussauds New York. However, it has been there before, sort of.

Before the pandemic started, they had an exhibition dedicated to her and invited her fans to come see it. What they didn’t know is that the lifesize candle was actually the talk show host herself.

Therefore, when they least expected it, she would reveal that it was really her. So when she would ask them how you doing, they would be like, I just had a heart attack.

I wonder if they will be there on Monday to see the real thing, or will it be the fake one?


Mandy Moore is hoping this doesn’t cause her son to need therapy
May 7th, 2021 under Mandy Moore. [ Comments: 1 ]

There are a lot of reasons why kids might need therapy as they get older. However, this is one reason that therapists didn’t learn in school.

What is it? Mandy Moore breastfed her son while she was in her elderly makeup on the This Is Us set, and she worried that might scar him. She is wrong. Since Gus is only just over 2 months old, the only thing he is looking at is her breasts. Unless they made them look older too, I think she and her baby boy are fine. At least for now, they are. As time goes on, there will be other ways she can screw him up. Welcome to being a parent.


The Muppets get a Halloween special!
May 7th, 2021 under Disney+, Sesame Street/Muppets. [ Comments: none ]

The Muppets are coming to Disney+ this fall with an all-new special for Halloween called The Muppets Haunted Mansion.

Our favorite furry friends will be joined by celebrity guests (I am rooting for Baby Yoda to join in on the fun) as “Gonzo is challenged to spend one very daring night in the most grim grinning place on Earth.”

The special will also include new music and spooktacular fun. I hope this is the first of many holiday specials we get from The Muppets on the streaming service.


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