Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2021 » April
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Alfonso Ribeiro retired The Carlton
April 6th, 2021 under Alfonso Ribeiro. [ Comments: none ]

Alfonso Ribeiro is as known for his acting as a dance he created during his career. Not the one he did in The Tap Dance Kid, his Michael Jackson moves from a Pepsi commercial or anything from his winning season of Dancing with the Stars, but, of course, it is The Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

It is so popular that when people see him, they sway back and forth with their opposite arms going up and down as he did. However, he doesn’t do it back. That is because he told People magazine he hasn’t done it since he won DWTS in 2014. In fact, he says, he “put it away.”

There has to be a way we can get him to do it again. Any suggestions, let’s hear them? We need to see him do The Carlton again.


Peeps are going Hollywood
April 6th, 2021 under Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

When we were kids, there was only yellow, pink, and blue Peeps. Now, they have different flavors, their own cereal, coffee creamer, Oreo cookie, milk, Pepsi, and so much more. Therefore, it would make sense that someone in Hollywood would decide to make a movie about them.

According to Deadline, Wonder Street bought the film and TV rights to the sugar-covered marshmallow candy, and they already have their first production in the works. It is an animated movie being described as “Trolls meets Smurfs.”

“Peeps Chicks and Bunnies have been ingrained in American pop culture for nearly seven decades due to their instantly recognizable shapes and fan-favorite marshmallow taste, making them the perfect characters to bring to life on the big screen,” said Keith Domalewski, Director of Marketing & Consumer Engagement at Just Born. “We hope the new Peeps film spreads sweetness to families across the country and provides inspiration for fans to express their ‘Peepsonality’ in new ways.”

Am I the only one who was hoping it would be a live-action Horror movie where they come to life and kill all the people who destroy them in microwaves, acid, and other torturous ways? Can you tell I spent the weekend watching the same five Easter Horror movies again? I want something new, and a scary Peeps film would be scrumptious!


Hot Links!
April 5th, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Kate Winslet outed four actors – Dlisted

Did you miss the Loki trailer? – Pajiba

Rihana went undercover at a rally – The Cut

How did Blink-182 get their name? – Grunge

Jill Biden’s sexy controversial outfit – Celebitchy

My nipples hurt after watching this – Drunken Stepfather


What is, Aaron Rodgers needs to keep his day job?
April 5th, 2021 under Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]

Superfan Aaron Rodgers is trying out as the host of Jeopardy. Tonight was his first night of the audition.

The game show producers asked him to read, “He may not love being bald but he created & stars in a show that debuted on HBO in 2000. So that’s pretty, pretty good.” We all know that answer is Larry David. However, we would not know that by the football player’s impression of the actor. That was really bad. And not in a bad way that the Curb Your Enthusiasm star would like it.


BTWF: Kevin Hart, Jason Segel, Amy Poehler, and January Jones in North Hollywood
April 5th, 2021 under Amy Poehler, Before They Were Famous, How I Met Your Mother, Jason Segel, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kevin Hart, Jason Segel, Amy Poehler, and January Jones all had successful shows, they were all part of the failed pilot North Hollywood. I wonder how Hart, 21, Segel, 21, Poehler, 29, and Jones’, 23, lives would be different if the 2001 show got picked up to series.


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