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Modern Family’s Nolan Gould is all grown up
February 22nd, 2021 under Modern Family. [ Comments: none ]

Nolan Gould/Instagram

Nolan Gould was just 10 years old when he was cast as Luke Dunphy on Modern Family. Now, he is 22 years old, and he is far from that little boy we knew. He is now a grown man with abs to match.

The actor explained why he got so buff. “I owe a huge thanks to my friend @mjkahn425 for constantly pushing me and starting me off on this journey to begin with. Six months ago I started working out with Mike with one simple goal in mind; if Nolan from another dimension, me from the future, or a government created clone of myself ever tried to take me out and live as the de facto Nolan of this universe, I could best them in one on one combat,” He wrote. “This is a stupid goal. It’s an ever-moving target. For every little bit I get stronger, it’s safe to assume their power is also increasing. Plus if they’re extra-dimensional or coming from the future, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that they have four arms or some other enhancements I can’t compete with. So basically, working out is pointless unless it makes you physically healthier and most importantly, emotionally happier. And make sure your friends know how to identify the real you for when the clones come. I lay awake late at night, paralyzed in fear, thinking about the other Nolan. I know he’s training, coming for me. I can picture him now. Leaning up shirtless against a leather couch, smirking. I only hope you’ll be able to spot the differences…”

I guess being afraid of your future self is enough reason to get into shape. Better than for a potential lover who doesn’t love you no matter what.


You need to be circumcised to date Wendy Williams
February 22nd, 2021 under Wendy Williams. [ Comments: none ]

Wendy Williams was on The Covino & Rich Show last week. Steve Covino asked her what are dating musts from a man.

The first thing she wants to know is, is does her have kids. If he does, then she wants to know how many, how old, and how many baby mamas or ex-wives. She also wants to know if he has been to prison and what for.

Then by the third date, she wants to know if he makes the cut because he got the cut when he was a baby. “I just happen to be offended by the different germs and smell that could potentially be there.” The talk show host said. “You can’t have last minute, you know, quickies.”

Williams says she doesn’t want to find out after she has already fallen for him that he is not circumcised. She guesstimates that it is after three months of dating. Hats off to her for waiting that long to see his penis. I know by the first or the second date if he has foreskin or not. How long does it take you to know if he got the Ishmael?

Does it make a difference to you if he has been circumcised or not? I agree with Williams on this one. I like my man without any extra skin. Sorry guys. It just tastes and feels better.


Proof C. Thomas Howell and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are not the same person
February 22nd, 2021 under Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Not The Same Person. [ Comments: none ]

Did you know that people confuse C. Thomas Howell for Jeffrey Dean Morgan? They do.

So what happens when the both of them are working together on The Walking Dead? “Finally crossed paths and even the crew did a double take when I showed up… 😆☠️,” Howell wrote.

Do you think they look alike? I don’t. The only thing that they have in common is greying hair and bushy bears.


Guess which Kardashian butt that is?
February 22nd, 2021 under Guess who?, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

To see how well you know your Kardasghian a$$ets, then click here!


Hot Links!
February 21st, 2021 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian/Instagram

Did KimYe have a prenup? – Celebitchy

Cruella meets Joker – Screen Rant

Beyonce’s butt – Drunken Stepfather

What was the first Guiness World Record? – Grunge

Watch a pussy take 26 tricks in record time – Dlisted


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