Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Do you leave Santa Anthony Hopkins human flesh?
December 26th, 2020 under Anthony Hopkins. [ Comments: none ]

Some say that Anthony Hopkins played one of the scariest roles in cinema history. That was then, now Hannibal is playing Santa Claus for Christmas. Therefore, if you see him coming down your chimney, run. Unless you want to be his next meal…

Seriously, isn’t the Sir so cute as old Saint Nick?


Did Jerry O’Connell put on the quarantine 15?
December 25th, 2020 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]

Rebecca Romijn shared a photo of her husband looking more like the fat kid from Stand By Me than the man married, so did Jerry O’Connell put on some weight since we last saw him? To find out, then click here!


Dulé Hill reveals he had COVID-19
December 25th, 2020 under Dulé Hill. [ Comments: none ]

Dulé Hill has been silent on social media for a few weeks. Now, we know what was on tap for him.

“I’m a little late because IG, 2 weeks ago, #covid caught me. Thankfully, I quarantined for the last ten days and recovered. And thankfully, no one else in my family contracted it, 🙏🏾” the actor wrote. “Thank you to the beautiful @jazmynsimon for the 🎥 assist and for always taking such good care of me, especially during this covid recovery time. ❤️🔒❤️”

Glad he is doing better and back to doing what he loves, being with his family and tap dancing.


Neil deGrasse Tyson found a way to ruin Christmas
December 25th, 2020 under Neil deGrasse Tyson. [ Comments: none ]

Neil deGrasse Tyson/Instagram

Neil deGrasse Tyson declared that Pluto is not a planet and that indigo is not a color. Now, the acclaimed scientist is going after Christmas.

“Santa doesn’t know Zoology,” Tyson wrote. “Both male & female Reindeer grow antlers. But all male Reindeer lose their antlers in the late fall, well-before Christmas. So Santa’s reindeer, which all sport antlers, are therefore all female, which means Rudolf has been misgendered.”

Is nothing sacred to him?

Sometimes, I am more embarrassed to say I went to the same junior high school as him than saying I went to the same high schools as Jared Kushner and the dad from Seventh Heaven. Nah, I would not go that far.


Merry Christmas!
December 25th, 2020 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]
Today is a Christmas unlike anyone we have experienced in the past. Let’s cherish it. Next year, when we go back to normal, we will appreciate the holidays even more. We have been taking them for granted, and from now one they will be special.

Plus, we get one year away from that crazy aunt and uncle! Isn’t that a good thing?

Another good thing is we don’t have to listen to All I Want For Christmas Is You for another 11 months!

Merry Christmas from the crazy aunt and nutty cat!


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