Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Guess who is that sexy devil?
October 31st, 2020 under Guess who?, Halloween. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see what girl wants to be naughty, then click here!


Happy Halloween!
October 31st, 2020 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Happy Halloween! While this year is scary for different reasons, we can celebrate like it was 2019! Just like Celinaspookyboo.


Jimmy Fallon and The Roots perform a song for the day after Halloween
October 30th, 2020 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

If you wake up on November 1st with a hungover, then you have had a really good Halloween. However, there is no song for that. That is until now because Jimmy Fallon and The Roots debuted their new catchy tune Monster Hangover on The Tonight Show yesterday. Now, we have a song we can listen to on November 2nd. I say that because any noise on the 1st is a real pain in the head, neck, and a$$.


The McRib is back…nationwide!
October 30th, 2020 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]


2020 isn’t all bad. That is because for the first time since 2012, McDonalds is bringing back the McRib to all of its store in the United States. If there is a Mickey Ds in your hometown, then starting on December 2nd, you can get the mystery meat covered in BBQ sauce, onions and pickles.

“The McRib has been a beloved menu item at McDonald’s since its inception nearly 40 years ago,” said Vice President of Menu Innovation, Linda VanGosen. “There’s nothing quite like the taste of the McRib. To our customers, it’s become more than a delicious, saucy moment… it’s a season, and it’s taking the internet by storm. That’s why this year, we’re proud to serve the McRib nationwide for everyone to enjoy.”

I can already taste that yummy sandwich now! Tell me; I am not the only one.


This is what happens when rats in NYC eat too much pizza
October 30th, 2020 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever wondered what happened to Pizza Rat? Well, now we know, and I wish we didn’t. He is as big as us, and we look like pizza.

Therefore NYC, be afraid, be very afraid. Because the biggest threat since King Kong is there, and he is there to stay.


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