Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Hot Links!
November 6th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is getting some sun? – Drunken Stepfather

Woodstock falsehoods – Grunge

The Masked Dancers are horrifying – Dlisted

Is this the dumbest Kardashian? – Celebitchy

Why did Ruth Wilson really leave The Affair? -Pajiba


Talk show host Jeannie Mai can’t talk
November 6th, 2020 under The Real. [ Comments: none ]

Jeannie Mai/Instagram

Earlier this week, Jeannie Mai was forced to drop out of Dancing with the Stars because of a medical condition. She was diagnosed with epiglottitis and needed an operation to save her life.

The surgery was successful, and today she gave us an update. As part of her recovery, she cannot talk nor chew. The former has to be really hard for The Real host. I mean, imagine being a talk show host who cannot talk? Thankfully, it is just temporary.


BTWF: Miles Brown in Chris Brown’s Yeah 3X
November 6th, 2020 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Miles Brown was wowing us in black-ish, he wowed us in Chris Brown’s Yeah 3X. How cute was the 5-year-old in that 2010 music video?


I am as blue as Joe Manganiello’s mohawk
November 5th, 2020 under Joe Manganiello. [ Comments: none ]

Joe Manganiello/Instagram

Joe Manganiello recently debuted his bleached blonde mohawk. The good news is he is no longer a blonde. The bad news is that what hair he has left is electric blue.

The good looking stud we know from Magic Mike is gone. Now, there is a man who embraced the supervillain he is reportedly going to play in the new Justice League movie. He is living up to his character’s name, Deathstroke.

Thankfully, hair grows back. Hopefully, he will be able to go back to his long black locks sooner rather than later.


Amy says goodbye on Superstore. Does someone have COVID-19 on Connecting?
November 5th, 2020 under NBC, Superstore. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p, Superstore celebrates its 100th episode on NBC. To celebrate the milestone, they are going to be saying goodbye to Amy. America Ferrara announced in February that she was leaving the show. However, her departure took a little longer because COVID-19 shut down production before she could get a proper farewell.

Tonight is her last day of work, and she and Jonah (Ben Feldman) are preparing for their move to California. Their co-workers don’t want to see them leave; can they do anything to stop them. Obviously, they can’t stop Amy, but will they be able to keep Jonah?

You have to tune in for an episode that gives at least one character a perfect sendoff.

BTW Am I the only one who will not miss her? Amy is too bossy, and I want these characters to run free and be the worst Cloud 9 employees they can be.

Over on Peacock and, instead of, NBC at 8:30p is a new episode of Connecting…

In this episode, Ben (Preacher Lawson), Pradeep (Parvesh Cheena), Annie (Otmara Marrero), Ellis (Shakina Nayfack), Rufus (Ely Henry), Michelle (Jill Knox), and Garrett (Keith Powell) talk about going to attend their first Black Lives Matter protest.

Ben really wants to do it, but his mother (Loretta Divine) doesn’t want him to because she fears he will get in trouble. She will get her wish when he gets sick. Does he have COVID-19? He will go and get the test to find out.

Since he can’t march with his family, his brother-in-law Garrett goes in his place. Pradeep is going because one of his adopted toddlers is African American, and he wants him to learn about his race. Ellis is marching to support Black Trans people, while Rufus and Annie are attending for the cause. Shortly after they meet up, they all get lost in the crowd. When they get home and Zoom each other, they find out that one of them got arrested.

Which of the seven will spend time in jail? You just have to watch a powerful episode that shows how meaningful these rallies are and how they affect those who attend.


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