Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020 » December
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Hot Links!
December 9th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Olivia Jade finally broke her silence – Dlisted

Weird celebrity hookups – Pajiba

Madonna’s daughter’s juicy butt – GCeleb

How did the snow globe come about? – Grunge

Selma Blair and Sarah Michelle Gellar kills again – Celebitchy

Renee Olstead shows off her adult body – Drunken Stepfather


One Day at a Time has run out of days
December 9th, 2020 under Netflix, Pop TV. [ Comments: 1 ]

One Day at a Time ran three seasons on Netflix, got cancelled, then picked up by Pop TV, and cancelled again after one season. The producers and Sony tried to shop it around. Even though it was a critical darling, it was not enough for it to find a new home.

“I wish I could say otherwise, but sadly, ODAAT’s time has come to an end. The only silver lining about not doing a show anymore is that nobody can take away the show you already did. 4 seasons that will forever exist for people to watch,” Executive Producer Mike Royce wrote. “I’m so proud of One Day at a Time, our cast, our writers, our crew, and while I’m sad today, I’ll forever be grateful for the amazing experience and honor it was to work on it. I am especially thankful to our spirit guide Norman Lear, and to my cohort upon whom I am forever codependent, Gloria Calderon Kellett. And the biggest thank you is to the ODAAT fans, who gave us more love than we know what to do with.”

The fans and the producers did everything they could to save the beloved sitcom. It was just not meant to be. Four seasons was a good run these days, so we were lucky we had that.


BTWF: Haley Joel Osment for Kraft Cheese
December 9th, 2020 under Before They Were Famous, Haley Joel and Emily Osment. [ Comments: none ]

Before Haley Joel Osment was seeing dead people in The Sixth Sense, he saw dragons while eating Kraft Cheese. How cute was the 4-year-old in that 1992 commercial?


Jackée Harry becomes a soap Diva
December 8th, 2020 under Jackée Harry, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Jackée Harry has some fabulous news to share. The actress is joining Days of our Lives next month. She could not tell us too much about the character, but she will have a daughter on the NBC soap opera. I hope that she winds up with Abe Carver. He could use some of her sass in his life.

This is not the first time she has starred on a Daytime Drama. She also appeared on Another World before she joined 227.

Harry also said that she will have some more big news to share next month. Why do I have a feeling that will be about a Sister, Sister reboot. I could be wrong. But I could be right.


David Hasselhoff is a pretty woman
December 8th, 2020 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff is known for his many parts. However, he didn’t portray any of his famous roles in a commercial he did for Pluto TV. Instead, he dressed up as many different characters ranging from a blonde woman, a nerdy dad, a college graduate, and a housewife, to name a few.

I never knew he was such a good impersonator. So much so, I would love to see him do a variety show like Carol Burnett’s. Come on Pluto TV, make it happen. You have enough channels to give him one. It would be Hoff the charts.

When it comes to Pluto, it is as good as he says it is. It is also worth every penny it costs for the streaming service.


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