Hot Links! |
May 25th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who lost a lot of weight? – Celebitchy
The horror! – Dlisted
Who censored Back to the Future II? – Screen Rant
Elon Musk and Grimes changed their kid’s name – The Cut
Madonna shows us more than we want to see – Drunken Stepfather
How well did Mary Steenburgen do on a Back to the Future III test? |
May 25th, 2020 under Michael J Fox, Taxi, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen. [ Comments: none ]
Thirty years ago today, the final Back to the Future film came out in theaters. In honor of the anniversary, Yahoo! Entertainment had a 14-question quiz asking questions about the 1990 movie that starred Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, and Mary Steenburgen.
As soon as I saw it, I asked the three stars on Twitter (something Back to the Future II didn’t predict) how they would do if they took the test. The actress took it and revealed that she got a “9 out of 14 and I’m Clara! 😄”
In her defense it is a really hard test, I only got 3 out of 14 right. Which I guess is appropriate since it is Back to the Future III!
On a serious note, I am naming Mary Steenburgen as one of the nicest people in Hollywood, along with Henry Winkler, Jerry O’Connell, Tom Hanks, and Josh Groban. We need more people in this town like her.
BTWF: Melissa Sue Anderson on Bewitched |
May 25th, 2020 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Melissa Sue Anderson went to a school that only had one classroom on Little House on the Prarie, she was seen coming out of one of the many classrooms at a school on Bewitched. How pretty was the 9-year-old in 1972 during her oncamera debut.
XOXO Tabita, I mean Erin Murphy, from Bewitched!
Scott Wolf shows the downside of living in Utah |
May 25th, 2020 under Scott Wolf. [ Comments: none ]
It is Memorial Day weekend, and all across the United States, people are swapping out their winter coats for bathing suits. Almost everywhere. That is because Scott Wolf shared a video of himself outside his Park City, Utah house on Saturday.
Instead of it looking like summer, it looks just like winter because it was snowing. As you can tell, he is not happy about the white stuff coming down in late May. Does anyone blame him? Who wants snow after Mother’s Day. Their three kids. What child doesn’t love snow?
I wonder why men don’t like this TikTok trend? |
May 25th, 2020 under Jason Derulo. [ Comments: none ]
There is a new trend on TikTok, and girlfriends are not telling boyfriends what it is. Instead, they are just showing them what it is.
As you can see Jason Derulo’s girlfriend, Jena Frumes, and TikTok sensation Lance Stewart’s fiancee, Julia, got their men to try it out.
What do the men do? They just stand there, and it is their women who do all the work. The girls need a tape measurer with a metal base, and then they measure the men with two pulls. After they are done measuring, they lift the base 90 degrees. When the women get it to just that right height, they let it go causing it to hit their lovers in the place that loves them. Well, used to, because there is not going to be much loving going on after that!
I am sure there are a lot of men who want this trend to end now before they become a subject of one. Since I am sadist, I want it to continue. Is that wrong?
To see Lance get lanced, then click here!
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