Kevin Hart is afraid of all creatures even butterlies. Therefore, how will he react when David Dobrik scares him with an albino boa constrictor or python? Exactly as you would think.
Dobrik had him play, What the Sniff, inside a Tesla truck. The game was simple; they blindfolded Hart and made him smell things in a tissue box to guess what they were. After the second item, they had a surprise for him, the snake. What did the actor do? He found the handle and jumped out of the car faster than you can say snake. Before he got out, he said, “💩” and then he most likely did it!
When it comes to finding the handle, he is so right. It is not easy to find one in a Tesla, so he got lucky he found it so quickly. Actually, I think everyone else, including the reptile, was lucky. Could you imagine if Dobrik had locked Hart’s door and he couldn’t get out? Actually, I am, and I can’t stop mischievously laughing.
Since no one can find face masks, even medical professionals, legendary writer, director, and producer Nancy Meyers came up with an ingenious alternative to protect our faces during the Coronavirus pandemic. She sent that instructional video to her friend Diane Keaton, who starred in her movies Baby Boom (I majored in advertising because of this film) and Something’s Gotta Give; and the Oscar-winning actress shared it with us.
All you have to do is find a clean thong (you don’t want to go in public with a dirty one), and place it on your face with your ears, helping to secure it over your nose and mouth.
While she looked beautiful in it, the same cannot be said about her friend Rob. However, he did a better job with it than Meyers’ mum. Therefore, if you are going to suggest this for the older people in our lives, we are going to have to give them our undies because granny panties don’t work!
It is nice to see her creative genius at work! Now, we know why her movies like Private Benjamin, Father of the Bride, The Parent Trap, and It’s Complicated made us laugh as hard as they did.
Yesterday on Jeopardy, Alex Trebek asked the contestants to identify some Lyrics of Today. Adam decided to give his try at the $1,000 question, which meant that the host had to ask them to tell him who sang these words, “New man on the Minnesota Vikings, Truth hurts, needed something more exciting, Bom bom bi bom bi dum bum bay.”
You can’t read the lyrics without singing them, that is exactly what he did for Lizzo’s song. Since the Truth Hurts, we will say that he did a perfect rendition of it!
Alex Trebeck once again proves why he is a national treasure.
Since our govenrment is not helping hospitals with essentials like face masks, ventilators and gowns for our medical professional, Christian Siriano stepped up.
Today, the fashion designer modeled his hard work with his staff. Along with the photo, he wrote, “This is life for a little while I guess. But we made 1,000 masks in 3 days and they will be shipped tomorrow! Thank you to everyone who donated on we can’t thank you enough.” Actually, we cannot thank you enough for making 1,000 masks.
Most people who win reality shows, go on do nothing with their newfound fame. Even fewer of them go on to do good things. Siriano is the rare winner that continued to win after he won. Not only does he dress Hollywood’s A-list, but he also dresses the ones that no one wants to put their name on. He makes them look beautiful. However, he never made them look as beautiful as he looks in that mask.
Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves. Today, Siriano wore his one his face.