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Kidding is an endearing quirky show
February 9th, 2020 under Jim Carrey, Showtime. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight is the Oscars, but there is no one to root for this year and no host to tie the show together. Therefore, I want to watch something else where I can root for the lead. Showtime is giving us that at 10p with the second season premiere of Kidding starring Jim Carrey as Mr. Pickles.

Mr. Pickles is a kids’ television host with the innocence of Mr. Rogers. While his onscreen persona is perfect, his life is falling apart around him. His father (Frank Langella), who is the EP, is drunk with power. So much so, Jeff (Carey) finally fires him. His sister, Didi (Catherine Keener), is going through a divorce as her brother. Jeff’s wife, Jill (Judy Greer), has moved on with Peter (Justin Kirk). Jeff is not ready to move on, so what happens when he hits Peter with his car.

Now that you are caught up with season one, it is time for season two. Jill comes out and tries everything to save her boyfriend. She tells Jeff to pick up the body and they drive to the hospital. Peter’s life hangs in the balance and only a liver transplant will save him. Will he get one in time?

Meanwhile, Didi is dealing with the ramifications of her divorce. Her gay ex-husband wants full custody of their daughter. Then when he doesn’t get that, he takes something from Didi that is just as important.

She has been busy trying to get Mr. Pickles back on the air. While they wait, the siblings come up with a toy to keep Mr. Pickles alive. Mr. Pickles is living on in the international versions of his character. That is until one of them gets killed over something Jeff said. Now there is a rebellion against him. It seems like everything is going against him. Will he be able to get his life back?

As the season goes on, Ariana Grande plays a fairy. We get to see how Mr. Pickles was born and how he met Jill. The best of the season comes from a mostly musical episode that will make you smile.

Actually, the whole series will make you smile. There is something so lovable about this dramedy. There is nothing else like it on television, and how often can you say that. Instead of watching that snooty awards show, watch a refreshing show every Sunday at 10p after the final season of Homeland.

Plus, who doesn’t love Jim Carrey when he is at his best. This show is him at his best.


Kirk Douglas saved Jamie Lee Curtis’ life
February 8th, 2020 under Jamie Lee Curtis. [ Comments: none ]

Back when Jamie Lee Curtis was a little girl, her parents, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, were close friends with Kirk Douglas. They would even invite him over for parties. At one of those family affairs, Douglas saved the little girl’s life. The actress shared that story to commemorate his death on Thursday.

Kirk and Anne were important to BOTH my parents. Here in The Vikings with both Tony and Janet. I just remembered this morning that Kirk saved my life when I rode my tricycle into the pool at a party and he dove in and brought me up from the bottom, still peddling. I was in school with their son, Eric who they lost in 2004. Tony lost his son, Nicholas in 1994. Families tied together in life and success and loss and struggle, past and present. Kirk is an example for us ALL. COURAGE.
Their foundation link is in my website. See the work that they did for others. The playgrounds they built. Join them and me and honoring his legacy.

Thankfully, he was there to save her life that day. The world is a better place with her in it. She is positive force for women to age naturally, and so much more.


Who knew that Bill Nye the Science Guy can dance?
February 8th, 2020 under Bill Nye the Science Guy. [ Comments: none ]
Earlier this week, Bill Nye walked, or should I say strutted, down the runway at New York Fashion Week’s Fourth Annual Blue Jacket Fashion Show that raises awareness for men’s health and prostate cancer detection and treatment.

The Science Guy boogied his way down to the beat of Lizzo’s Juice, and everyone has been drinking it up. Who knew he was so cool? I mean, we knew he makes science fun and now we know it is because he is fun.

They should give him another show, but this time incorporate dancing. I might finally understand chemistry, physics, and biology.


This Morning’s Phillip Schofield comes out as gay
February 7th, 2020 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

This morning, I woke up and checked Instagram. I saw that This Morning posted a message from Phillip Schofield, and I was worried that there was something physically wrong with the personable television host. Thankfully, he is healthy. His message to his fans is that he is gay. I am happy he can finally be true to himself about who he is.

This self-realization has not been easy on him, and coming out to the public was years in the making. He has already told Stephanie, his wife of 27 years, their two grown daughters, Molly and Ruby, along with his mom, his co-host Holly Willoughby, and everyone else at the show. They have all been very supportive of him. He says that everyone he told has been. Now, it is our time to do the same for him.

When it comes to his future, he is taking every day as it comes. I hope he knows he is not alone. There are millions of people all over the world who are here to support him, including me.


Four of TV’s strongest women: Lindsay Wagner, Linda Gray, Joan Collins and Jane Seymour
February 7th, 2020 under Dallas, Jane Seymour, Joan Collins. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’70s, Lindsay Wagner was the Bionic Woman. While she was the first of this bunch, her female empowerment was not alone for too long. She soon would be joined by Linday Gray on Dallas, Joan Collins on Dynasty and Jane Seymour on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.

These four women helped shape a generation of little girls to grow up to be whatever she wants to be. I have two words to say to all of them, and they are thank you. I learned through all of them that women can wear the pants in the relationship too, and for that, I am grateful.

Now, let’s talk about how fabulous they all look. Women can be tough and beautiful at the same time. Can you believe that their ages range from 68-86 years old? They are all so youthful looking. You can say that strength lets their beauty shine through, and helps them to remain as timeless as the shows they were on.


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