Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019
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Hot Links!
November 21st, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Did Sarah Hyland have a nip slip? – Drunken Stepfather

Who is the father of his baby? – Pajiba

Do you want to see Joker 2? – ScreenRant

Which British Royal is stepping away from public life? – Dlisted

Who won't quit their role even though they lost it? – Celebitchy


BTWF: Paul Reiser in Diner
November 20th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Paul Reiser. [ Comments: none ]

Before we were mad about Paul Reiser on Mad About You, his friend was mad at him over a roast beef sandwich in Diner. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1982 movie.


You will still be mad about Mad About You
November 20th, 2019 under Helen Hunt, Paul Reiser, Spectrum. [ Comments: none ]
Back in 1992, we got to know Paul (Paul Reiser) and Jamie Buckman (Helen Hunt), two New York newlyweds, trying to make their marriage work. In 1999, we said goodbye to the new parents. Or so we thought.

Twenty years later, they are saying goodbye to their daughter Mabel, who is going to college. Starting today, you can watch the 12-episode event on Spectrum TV as the Buckmans adjust to being empty nesters.

The revival starts off with Paul and Jamie getting their only child ready to leave for college. Sadly for Mable, she chose to go to school in Manhattan, so her parents will stop by all the time unannounced. Which, of course, she will not like. There will be growing pains for their parents, they will learn to adjust.

They are not the only ones adjusting, several of the original cast members are back and their lives are different too. Jamie’s sister is still single and Lisa (Anne Ramsay) has a really cool job. Ira (John Pankow) has a woman in his life and they run a restaurant together. Mark (Richard Kind) and Fran have gone their different ways and he is married to someone new.

Like real life, their lives changed over the last two decades. What hasn’t changed is the feel of the show. Like Will & Grace, it feels like no time has passed since the first run and this one. If you are a fan of the original, then you are going to love this update. I know I am loving it after watching the first six episodes.


A mini Life Goes On reunion
November 20th, 2019 under Patti LuPone, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1989, Kellie Martin was hired to play Patti LuPone’s daughter on the family drama Life Goes On. Thirty years later, they look just as close. So much so, I can’t understand why they don’t bring it back for a revival. Who doesn’t want to see where the Thatchers would be today? I want to know how Corky is doing.

If no one will give us a revival, how about airing repeats in syndication?


We can never believe anything Robert Pattinson says
November 20th, 2019 under Robert Pattinson, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: 5 ]
Robert Pattinson has said a lot of outlandish things on talk shows and we believed him. Turns out we shouldn’t. Yesterday, when he was on Late Night, Seth Meyers asked him about being a model before he was an actor.

That seems believable because so many other actors got their start that way. Guess what, that was a lie he made up. He admitted that is not the only thing he falsified from his past. In fact, he has made up so many that he can no longer distinguish what is real and what is fake. Thus, we can never trust him.

Although, I did the research and there are two sex shoppes in Yarmouth, Maine. Which means sometimes he can tell the truth. Now, I don’t know what to beleive…


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