Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » June
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Carrie Underwood is cheesy!
June 21st, 2019 under Carrie Underwood. [ Comments: none ]

Carrie Underwood played the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin yesterday and they had a beautiful gift waiting for the singer in her dressing room. A bust of her made with 40lbs of cheese and it left her speechless.

If someone made me that as a present, then I would be crying ugly. I love cheese so much and that would be the best thing anyone could ever get me. The only problem is that I could not eat my own face. Therefore, I would keep it until it is old moldy. Which might not be a good thing.

Seriously, you got to love Wisconsin, don’t you know. Because they carve things like this out of cheddar. While the rest of the country does ice, they do cheese! Now that is a talent!


Hot Links!
June 20th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


How are excited are you for this Twins remake? – Dlisted

Remember Cameron Diaz? – The Nip Slip

Do we need a sequel to Little Women? – Pajiba

Gwyneth Paltrow is a bad businesswoman? – Celebitchy

Which Friends actress looks better in a bikini? – Drunken Stepfather


Andy Kaufman is finally getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
June 20th, 2019 under Taxi. [ Comments: none ]

The Hollywood Walk of Fame announced today who will be getting stars next year and Andy Kaufman is finally getting one 35 years after he was taken away from us far too soon.

Ever since the first time I saw Taxi, I have loved the sitcom. In fact, it is still my all-time favorite show. The first time I saw Latka Gravas, I was in love. There was just something so endearing him. I was too young to know all about the Kaufman controversies. When I did learn about them, it just made me love him even more.

Therefore, on the day he gets his star, I will be there to see the ceremony in person. When it comes to the event, they have to get Tony Clifton to talk about his friend. If not him, then Jerry Lawler. The cast of Taxi can talk too, but Clifton would be the ultimate. Although I think Jim Carey might want to be the Man on the Moon, I mean the man behind the podium.

Kaufman and Muddy Waters are the only celebrities who are receiving stars posthumously. To see who else will be honored next year, then click here!


BTWF: Ed Sheeran auditioning for Britannia High
June 20th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Ed Sheeran. [ Comments: 5 ]

Before any talent competition show would love to have Ed Sheeran as a judge, he was a contestant on Britannia High. How awwwwdorable was the 16-year-old trying to dance back in 2007?

I wonder if every one of those judges kicks themselves in their a$$es for not picking him? I know he couldn’t dance, but he is the most talented male singer in his generation. They should have known that when he was halfway through his teens.


Have you ever dreamed of having Cheetos on your KFC sandwich?
June 20th, 2019 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

Someone hold Britney Spears back because starting on July 1st, KFC is going to be selling a Cheetos sandwich for the whole month. The extra crispy chicken sandwich not only includes Cheetos, it is also covered in Cheetos sauce and mayo.

In case you are wondering why Donald Trump is a little more orange next month, it is not because of the sun or his fake tan or whatever causes him to be that odd shade. It will be because he will be eating these sandwiches by the truckload. You know he will love them as much as a nice story written about him or a porn star who does not ask to paid afterward.

But it is not about him, it is about the crunchy orange sticks on top of the yummy Kentucky Fried Chicken sandwich. What will they come up with next? Taco Bell has Fritos and Doritos. Sonic mixes it up with Oreos. Hey Carl’s Jr, how about you do a Funyuns BBQ burger? Jack in the Box, what about adding a burger with Munchos to your late night menu? McDonald’s, how good would a chicken sandwich be with Pringles Ranch potato chips be?

Anyone else craving a salty snack? I guess we will have to settle on that until July 1st. Then we can get the good stuff from KFC that is finger licking good! I am already drooling for it.


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