Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Who told Kristin Chenoweth to wear a white bra under a black lace dress?
March 1st, 2019 under Kristin Chenoweth. [ Comments: none ]

Kristin Chenoweth talked about her career yesterday at The Paley Center for Media and she wanted to look great for the occasion. Therefore, she wore a black lace see-thru dress for the evening. As pretty as she looked in it, all I could focus on was her white bra. I mean, c’mon, everyone knows you need to wear black under black. What was she thinking? Why did anyone tell her that is a fashion don’t? Hopefully, now she learned her lesson.


New Kids on the Block give us a history lesson of Boy Bands!
March 1st, 2019 under Debbie Gibson/ Tiffany, NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the late ’80s, New Kids on the Block was the biggest Boy Band of the time. They were not the first one and they are certainly not the last. NKOTB are very aware of that fact, so their latest single is a history of the genre.

In the music video, the Boys in the Band show us how the dances and the styles change throughout the decades. Some were better than others, but there was one thing they all have in common. Unconditional fans.

Who will always be your favorite boy band? While you are thinking of an answer to that question, can you tell me what is up with Debbie Gibson’s voice?


Jimmy Fallon and Weezer take on the ’80s with classroom instrument
March 1st, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Weezer. [ Comments: none ]
Weezer recently released the Teal album full of covers and yesterday they performed one of those songs on The Tonight Show. Not, like they normally do but with Jimmy Fallon, The Roots and classroom instruments. Wait, there is more, they got their ’80s on from head to toe.

That means the song of choice was a-ha’s Take On Me, so of course, they added in the comic book effect. Which makes this performance like even more totally rad.

BTW is it just me or does Rivers Cuomo look like Corey Feldman circa License to Drive?


Are we suckers for the Jonas Brothers new song
March 1st, 2019 under Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

For the first time since all of the Jonas Brothers took off their purity rings, Kevin, Joe and Nick have a new single out. Sucker is the name and that is what we are for them once again.

Now that they are having sex, their music sounds different. Much more mature. Although, they hit some notes that sounds like when they were still wearing those rings. If you know what I mean.

When it comes to the video, they were missing one thing. The best Jonas, Bonus Jonas. To see Frankie dancing to his brothers’ song, then click here!


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