Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Guess who that big eyed baby grew up to be?
March 7th, 2019 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who grew up to have a modern family, then click here!


John Stamos dreams of Nick Jonas
March 7th, 2019 under John Stamos, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Long before teen heartthrobs the Jonas Brothers were born, John Stamos’ poster was on the walls of teenage girls. Even Nick Jonas knows how sexy the Full House star is because he wore a shirt with Uncle Jesse on it. Which was such a turn on for Stamos, that he made a copy of that photo and put it on his pillow. Causing him to have the craziest dream.

Now you just have to wonder if the new dad is more in love with Nick or the fact that he is wearing a shirt with the actor’s face on it. Things that make you go hmmmm.

BTW you cannot spell John Stamos with Jonas!


Alec Baldwin shares an epic throwback photo with his brothers
March 7th, 2019 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: 1 ]

We very rarely see all four Baldwin brothers together, but today we got to see all four of them before their band broke up. Alec shared this amazing photo with Stephen, Daniel and Billy from back in the day and I guess they could not afford shirts. I say that because none of them are wearing one. Not that I am complaining, but that is just a lot of body hair and beefcake.

You know seeing this throwback photo of them reminds me when my parents would drag me to Long Island to see our cousins. In other words, it is very Long Island. It would be even more so if they took it in front of a mall, next to their IROC and several girls with big spiked hair wearing acid-washed jeans.


Why Online Is the Best Place to Buy a Prom Dress
March 7th, 2019 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

A prom dance is the best place for you to show off that beautiful dress that you always wanted to put. If you don’t have a prom dress yet, then you need to find one before it is too late. The good news is that you can today get a beautiful prom dress online within a matter of minutes. As much as you may want to go straight to the tailor to design your dress, there are more reasons for you to begin your search online because;

You will get a reasonable price

We all know that online is one of the best places to find a cheap prom dress. Another reason why you should try to search for a dress online is that you will have the chance to choose from thousands of designs. It is important to know that there are some vintage prom designs that you can no longer find in stores but are available online. When it comes to new trends, you will have an endless list to look at when searching online.

You will know the right accessories to go with

While dresses are the main agenda in a prom dance, it is essential to understand that accessories are like the icing on the cake. The good thing with searching for a prom dress online is that you will have the chance to see some of the accessories like shoes and jewelry that you can wear with your dress. While some dresses come complete with these accessories, others are purchased separately. However, accessories do look alike, and you might already have the perfect one for your dress.

You will get the best idea

Choosing a prom dress is more than selecting a dress that you are admiring online. You have to consider things like your body shape and height. Not every girl looks good in, and this is a crucial factor for looking astonishing on your prom night. If you realize that your body looks better in a certain kind of dress let’s say a short dress, never make the mistake of choosing a long prom dress. That is because not only will you feel ridiculous, but your self-esteem will also be too low because you know very well that you could have looked better in another dress.

It will give you an easy time

While buying a prom dress online is easy since you can do it when still in bed, you should know that it is better if you do it early enough. Know that these dresses may come with small adjustments needs before they can perfectly fit you. When you shop late, you will not have enough time to get everything ready in good time.


Some of the best and cheap prom dresses are available online. The dress sellers understand that no one wants to visit their store looking for dresses instead they market and sell them online. If you are searching for the best ideas for a prom dress, your first place to search should be online.


Hot Links!
March 6th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


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