Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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James Corden plays a cruel joke on David Beckham
March 12th, 2019 under James Corden, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

David Beckham is getting a bronze statue of his likeness to be displayed at the stadium where he played with the LA Galaxy. As the date was getting closer, James Corden thought he would have some with his friend.

Therefore, he got his prop department to make their own statue of Golden Balls. One that emphasized the two things he hated most about the prototype. He wanted a smaller chin and bum. He got quite the opposite.

Now, the big day was here and the Late Late Show host planned even more ways to annoy his friend. He hired Ben Glieb to call him Dave Beckham. You see, Becks hates to be called Dave, so that would be really annoying.

Finally, it is time for the big reveal. How would he handle seeing such an ugly likeness of himself? Better than you and I would. He had a very calm rage, but you could see he was ready to blow. It gives new meaning to bend it like Beckham.

Just as he was about to leave, they sent in a forklift to destroy the piece of art. As Beckham was going to check out the broken pieces of himself, Corden came out to reveal it was all a joke. Surprisingly, the soccer giant hugged his “mate.” I wonder how long until he gets revenge because you know is going to do just that. Even though it was a really kicking prank.


Does the full trailer for Aladdin make you want to see it more?
March 12th, 2019 under Disney Kids, Will Smith. [ Comments: none ]

Today, Disney released the full trailer for Aladdin and it is better than the teaser. Is it enough to make you want to go see the live-action remake on May 24th?

For me, it is a no. I will never forgive Guy Richie for Swept Away. That and I don’t want to see Will Smith be Will Smith as the Genie. There is a difference between Robin Williams being Robin Williams and Will Smith being Will Smith. The former was a comedic genius and the latter is just one note.

While I will not be seeing it, that does not mean tons of families won’t be rushing to the theaters on their flying carpets. Aladdin is still a favorite with kids.


Hot Links!
March 11th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who he grew up to be? – Dlisted

Is that why A-Rod proposed to J-Lo? – Celebitchy

Which enemies finally kissed and made up? – The Cut

How does Tucker Carlson still have a job and a wife? – Pajiba

How can they do a sequel to Bohemian Rhapsody? – ScreenRant


Danny DeVito talks about his scary fall
March 11th, 2019 under Danny DeVito. [ Comments: none ]
Last week, when Danny Devito was in Mexico to promote Dumbo, he fell making his way on to the stage. Everyone was worried about him, but he told Extra he is “fine”.

Then he explained what happened. As he walking up the stairs, he got his foot stuck on the top step. He knew he was going to fall, so he just went for it. The reason why he took so long to get up, is that he wanted to check and make sure he did not hurt himself. Which he did not. Although, I think that bodyguard was a little rough with our Danny.

Since nothing, but a fall, gets him down, he still found humor in the situation. Once he recovered, he told them not to print it, even though he knew that they would. Then, when he spoke to Extra, he told Tanika Ray, “As I say to people, I am known to throw myself at the press and I did that day try to emulate Dumbo… but I didn’t have my feather with me, did not fly.” If you can’t laugh at yourself, then no one can.

The one thing that surprised me about the fall is that only two people rushed to help. I would have jumped over people to make sure he was fine. I already lost 2 people from Taxi, I don’t want to lose any more because it is all about me. Plus, he is a national treasure who needs to be protected at all costs.


BTWF: Danny Devito in Hot Dogs for Gauguin
March 11th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Danny Devito was always looking to make a quick buck on Taxi, he thought he had a sure fire way to get a big payday in Hot Dogs for Gauguin. Even when he was 27 in that 1972 short, he knew how to be such a lovable jerk.


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