Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Donald Trump spent today, of all days, golfing with Kid Rock
March 23rd, 2019 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

As the World awaits the findings of the Mueller Report, Donald Trump spent today golfing with Kid Rock. If that does not say what is wrong with America today, I do not know what does. I mean those pants are just so anti-American, louder than his music. It is enough to make Payne Stewart roll over in his grave.

Having said that, if the report does not go Trump’s way, I am picturing an O.J. type scenario with the rocker fleeing with POTUS in a white golf cart while being chased by the cops on I-95 or the Florida Turnpike.


What to watch today: Doom Patrol, Last Man Standing and The Cool Kids!
March 22nd, 2019 under DC Comics. [ Comments: none ]

The 6th episode of Doom Patrol is streaming on DC Universe now and what an episode it is. Tonight members of our Doom Patrol meet the original members who took on Mr. Nobody (Alan Tudyk) before them.

Crazy Jane (Diane Guerrero), Rita Farr (April Bowlby) and Mr. Negative (Matt Bomer) go to talk to the original members of Doom Patrol to see if they know more about where Niles (Timothy Dalton) might be. They learn more about him and what the original members went through when they took on Mr. Nobody.

While they learn about that, we learn more about what Farr’s life was like after she fell into some toxic water and made her a freak. She has a connection to one of the original members, so what will seeing him again mean to her and how will it change her?

Meanwhile, Cliff Steele (Brendan Fraser) does not go with his friends, and yet he has a revelation of his own. One that is going to have major repercussions.

Each week, this show gets better and better. Whether you love comic book heroes or not (like me), then you are going to love this show.

Then at 8p on Fox, Mike Baxter is asked to teach Sunday school at church on Last Man Standing and he does not want to do it. He gets someone else to do it and what that person says convinces Reverend Paul (Bill Engvall) to quit. What happens next is very surprising.

Eve (Kaitlyn Dever) is back and she feels that her older sisters (Molly McCook and Amanda Fuller) are taking advantage of Jen (Krista Marie Yu), so she tries to get them to stop. However, the exchange student is OK with helping them out.

Did I mention there is a very funny Toy Story line? You want to tune in to see that and another funny episode.

Then at 8:30p, Margeret (Vicki Lawrence) goes on a bad blind date (Stephen Tobolowsky) on The Cool Kids. That causes her to realize she is only going out without losers.

Therefore, she decides to date better men, so she goes after the hot guy (Patrick Duffy). She makes a fool of herself, but will it work? Meanwhile, the other guy wants her back.

Who will she choose? If you want to choose laughter, then make sure to watch it tonight!


Supernatural took on Gd and won, so how will they end the show next year?
March 22nd, 2019 under Supernatural. [ Comments: none ]

Supernatural is the only show left over from The WB days on The CW, and today the Winchester brothers and Castiel announced that the 15th of the show will be its last.

Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki made a heartbreaking video, after telling their crew, that the 15th season is their last.

The CW always said that they would end the show when the actors were ready to call it day. For some, I do not believe this was their call. Sure, the ratings are down, but it still does better than most of their other shows. Heck, it is still one of the few shows of theirs I still watch. Granted, I stockpile them and then watch them all in one sitting when there is nothing else on because it has not been as good in recent years. However, I still love the show and have seen every episode they have done.

They have become like family to us fans. Something Ackles mentioned his video. Dean Winchester added something from the show’s creator Eric Kripke, “In a show about family, it is amazing and it is the pride of his life that it became a family.”

OK, I am off to watch the last few episodes and cry.

I know it is not over just yet, but I want to thank them now for making a show that people would love for 15 years and not counting.


Tom Cruise does a lot of running all over the World!
March 22nd, 2019 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Tom Cruise runs a lot in movies. You could say it is a running gag about him. I crack myself up!

Anyways, Vanity Fair compiled all of his running scenes from his vast array of his movie throughout the years and then they mapped out his locations all over the World. His feet must be hurting because where haven’t they been?

Now that we know he has run all over the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, equalling 9,021.6 feet, maybe it is time he gave his feet a break and walked for a bit.

That or take lessons on how to run because let’s be honest, he runs strangely.


Can you dance to the Law & Order theme song?
March 22nd, 2019 under Dick Wolf. [ Comments: none ]

We all know the theme song to Law & Order, but can you dance to it like the one from Friends? That is what Jimmy Fallon wanted to find out. Therefore, he sent The Tonight Show crew down to Rockefeller Plaza and asked some of the tourists to give it try.

Turns out you can. You can do The Floss, breakdancing, ballet and so much more to that beat. Maybe NBC should change up the opening to Law & Order: SVU dick next season and show Ice-T and Mariska Hargitay busting a move to it. How amazing would that be?

What other theme songs do you wonder if people could dance to it too?


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