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November 20th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who should not have not gone blonde? – Celebitchy

Nina Dobrev's camel toe – The Nip Slip

Selena Gomez in just a slip – Hollywood Tuna

Ariel Winter looks different – Drunken Stepfather

Did Jeremy Piven pass a lie detector test? – Dlisted

Whose nips popped out during Victoria's Secrets' show? – TooFab

Which legendary newsman was suspended for sex harrasment? – Jezebel


Listen to this photog implode during an implosion!
November 20th, 2017 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Picture this, you are a cameraman and you find the perfect spot to cover the implosion of the Georgia Dome. You stream out your video live for 40 long minutes and the time has finally come. You hear the first boom and you see the building start to collapse. And then…a f*cking MARTA Bus pulls up in front of you to watch the demise of the sports stadium and you cannot see what is happening. Finally, the building is leveled and the &$$#0[3 moves out of your shot. Sadly, it is too late and you cannot get a redo. What do you do? If you are James Crugnale from the Weather Channel, you curse because there is nothing else you can do. Well that and cry. Which I would done both.

So a friend of mine, who was a photog in Atlanta, told me this would happened to her all the time. MARTA is notorious for getting in the way of newspeople’s camera shots.

When it comes to MARTA, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Goldie Taylor told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Given the potential dangers of bringing down the largest structure of its kind… If this is the biggest story, we’re really glad about that.” Although she did Tweet the cameraman a sincere apology in a bitchy fashion sort of way. And that is probably why when I when I lived there, I did not know anyone who took their crappy buses.

When it comes to the implosion, it was actually lame and I was very disappointed. I was expecting more for the take down of that eyesore. I hated looking at that building when I drove into work.


BWTF roles: Judd Nelson in Making the Grade
November 20th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Brat Pack. [ Comments: none ]

Before Judd Nelson would do anything to get out of school in The Breakfast Club, he was paid $10,000 to go to high school for someone else in Making the Grade. How hysterical was the 24-year-old in this 1984 unearthed gem?


Ellen DeGeneres’ prank on Garth Brooks goes awry
November 20th, 2017 under Ellen DeGeneres, Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. [ Comments: none ]

Ellen DeGeneres likes to scare people and even got Garth Brooks to scare one of her employees. The host thought it would be fun to do the same to him, but things did not go as planned. As the man who was dressed up as woman jumped out of the ottoman, he slipped on the floor because he was wearing socks with no shoes. Therefore, Brooks was left laughing instead of screaming. And Ellen was left fuming that it did not work out. Oh well, better luck next scare. Which I am sure will be any day now.


Happy Xmas from Josh Groban
November 20th, 2017 under Christmas Music, Josh Groban. [ Comments: none ]

They say history repeats itself and in some ways it is doing just that. 46 years ago, America was going through a huge political change and now it is doing the same thing. Lyrics from John Lennon’s songs are coming back, in a way, to haunt us. Who has a voice haunting enough voice to parlay the feeling we get from the late singer? Josh Groban does and this season he is resurrecting his holiday song Happy Xmas (War Is Over). You cannot sing that Christmas tune without a children’s choir, and he got one to recreate that part. What we got is a timeless classic becoming a timeless classic again but by someone one else.

So listen to the song the first time and enjoy the Christmas Carol. Then listen to it again but to the lyrics and see how it is sadly still relevant today nearly a half a century later.

The song is available now along with 5 other new ones on Josh Groban’s 10th anniversary reissue of Noel.


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