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November 21st, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess whose legs those are? – Dlisted

Creepy – Celebitchy

Who quit Toy Story 4? – Pajiba

Nina Dobrev working out? – GCeleb

Who is finally engaged? – Farandulista

Who is GQ's Woman of the Year? – The Nip Slip

Duggar Courtship rules – The Hollywood Gossip


RIP David Cassidy
November 21st, 2017 under David Cassidy, Obits. [ Comments: none ]
David Cassidy passed away today from organ failure at the age of just 67 according to KABC.

In 1970, the world feel in love with David Cassidy in The Partridge Family. He became a teen idol so quickly at 20, he did not know how to handle his newfound stardom even though he was the son of two living legends Jack Cassidy and Evelyn Ward and stepson to Shirley Jones. The latter was not only his stepmom in real life, she was also his TV mom on the sitcom that made him household name.

In order to deal with his fame, he took on drinking and drugs like his father and it took its toll on him. Even still, he kept on performing. He kept releasing music, starring on TV shows and even transitioning to Broadway in shows like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Blood Brothers with his real life half-brother Shaun Cassidy. I was fortunate enough to see him in that musical. After the show ended, my mom and I waited outside the stage door so she could meet Petula Clark, who played the mom. As we were waiting, David came out and did not want to sign autographs, so he ran away. As he was running away, like 50 women, who were not so young, were chasing him down Broadway even though he wanted to be left alone. I will never forget how obsessed they were him after all of those years, and are still in love with him now.

He was special. I know that because I interviewed him years later for ABC Family’s Ruby and the Rockits. I was enamored with the man, who sang I Think I Love You. He was a gentle soul even though he had been through hell and back.

Now he is at peace and out of pain. A pain that would have been worse for him as the Dementia started to take over like it did his mom. He was forced to retire earlier this year because of it and I would assume part of him died that day. He loved performing and without it, he was most likely not the same.

Today let’s honor him by singing his songs and watching the show that made us all happy. Come On Get Happy through the tears.

Here is a story about David as told by his brother Shaun from the Ruby and the Rockits’ interview. According to Shaun when Katie Cassidy was 15 years old, David brought her along to dinner one night with his brothers, who never met her nor know about her, and he told them, “Oh, and by the way, this is my daughter, I’ll have the chopped chicken liver and the…” That was how he introduced them to their niece. It was that moment that lead to Shaun pitching that show.


BTWF roles: David Cassidy on Ironside
November 21st, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, David Cassidy. [ Comments: none ]

Before David Cassidy was squeaky clean on The Partridge Family, he was a bad teen on Ironside. It is easy to see why he was a heartthrob because look at cute he was when he was 19 in that 1959 episode.


When will your Fox shows be back and when will your CW shows go on break
November 21st, 2017 under Fox, The CW. [ Comments: none ]

2017 is coming to an end and that means that broadcast shows will be going on a winter hiatus. Therefore, we will not get be getting new episodes until 2018 soon.

Today, Fox announced their Winter schedule and not all your shows will be back in the New Year. The Exorcist and The Orville all air the season finales in December, and as of now only one will be back next season. While Seth MacFarlane’s Syfy drama will be back, I do not think the other two will be. That is unless The Gifted gets a major rework. It stated off great, but it went to barely watchable in a few episodes. Why can’t Marvel shows succeed on broadcast TV?

Then there is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Gotham, Empire and Star that will all take a longer break and return later on in the season. Maybe by then, they will also slot the final season of New Girl.

Finally, it is time for the new shows. LA to Vegas, which is my favorite new comedy of the season, debuts on January 2nd. It is perfectly paired with The Mick but both shows should air in the 8p hour instead of after Lethal Weapon. The Resident, a medical drama, is paired with Lucifer and I do not agree with that decision. I want Luci with The X-Files. What is really interesting is that Fox has nothing scheduled for Fridays at 9p.

That is Fox, The CW’s show will go on break starting on December 4th except for Valor, Riverdale and Dynasty that will have the midseason finales the following week.

To see Fox’s January 2018 schedule, then click here!


This Is Us’ Kate lost the baby, Did Chicago Meds’ Dr Charles survive?
November 21st, 2017 under Dick Wolf, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]
Last week, This Is Us revealed that Kate (Chrissy Metz) suffered a miscarriage and tonight at 9p on NBC, she and Toby (Chris Sullivan) deal with the news in different ways.

Kate chooses to stay busy and go on with her life, but is she really ready to do that? She isn’t and it is causing her to slowly break down. Meanwhile, Toby is taking it really hard and wants to talk to his fiance’ about it. Since they are both handling it differently, it is taking a toll on their relationship. Can their love survive this?

One thing Kate has that Toby doesn’t, is her mom. Rebecca (Mandy Moore) also lost a child and she shares with her daughter and us what she went through for the first time. Making her the most understanding and caring mom on television. She always seems to know what to say at the right time. Although, Kate is not always willing to listen. We will see that when we flash back to the night that Kevin broke his leg when she was a teen. The mom and daughter go throw that typical teenage angst as they wait to find out how Kevin is.

This Is Us delivers another powerful episode as we learn more about Number Two aka Kate.
Then at 10p, Chicago Med is back and it picks up where it left off. Dr Charles (Oliver Platt) is bleeding out after being shot outside the hospital and it does not look like he is going to make it. Will he? It is an intense episode you do not want to miss.

Can I tell you how happy I am that this medical drama is back? It keeps getting better.


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