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November 26th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Watch Jimmy Fallon go crazy – Dlisted

Mind f*ck – Pajiba

Sexy Santas – OMG Blog

Olivia Wilde braless and wet – The Nip Slip

Jessica Alba looks ready to pop – Popoholic

Is hair down there a good thing? – The Frisky

Uma Thurman breaks her silence on Weinstein – Celebitchy


The Lost Tapes document Patty Hearst’s kidnapping
November 26th, 2017 under Smithsonian Channel. [ Comments: none ]

On February 4, 1974, 19-year-old Patty Hearst, heir to the Hearst media fortune, was kidnapped from her apartment and her fiance’ was severely beaten. What happens over the next 19 months has the world captivated as she is held captive. Tonight at 9p, Smithsonian Channel tells her story after finding The Lost Tapes.

Many of us have heard about her kidnapping, but we do not know most of the details. The Lost Tapes documents her kidnapping only with archival news footage and the audio tapes she made during her time of being held by the Symbionese Liberation Army. They tell the story as it actually happened.

As I said, she was taken on February 4, 1974 and her parents begged for her return. Days would go by before they would hear from her kidnappers. Eventually, they heard from her and them when they sent a recording she made to a local Berkley radio station. She said she was OK and asked her parents to do what they asked. They did not ask for money, instead they wanted them to feed those families in need with $70 worth of food every week for a month. Costing them millions of dollars. When the distribution day came, things did do go as planned. That is when the Hearts heard from their daughter again saying how disappointed she was in the cheap food her family handed out.

Then there was radio silence for months. Her family was left wondering if she was alive or dead. They would get confirmation she was alive when they held up a bank and she was one of the robbers. At that point, she became a wanted woman because it seemed like she was turned by her abductors.

The SLA disappeared and would reappear a few months later, this time to hold up a sporting good store. Heart was one of the three people that was there day, but she got away with her captures. The three were in such a hurry that they left their getaway van there. This was the police’s first clue to where she was. The next day they surrounded the house and they were attacked by the SLA. One woman escaped the house before it went up in flames killing everyone inside. One of the bodies was not initially identified and people thought it might be Hearst, and as we know it was not.

She released another audio tape, eulogizing her friends who were killed. Infuriating most people who heard it. Just when it seemed like they would never find her, they did. She was forced to stand trial for her crimes and this time her parents were by her side.

She also did an interview and she explained what happened. Was it enough to save her?

Anyone who has heard just the name Patty Hearst will be taken in by tonight’s episode of The Lost Tapes. There is so much more to the story than a socialite who was kidnapped and eventually sympathizes with her kidnappers. A story that will hold you captive from the beginning of the episode until the end.


Naya Rivera arrested on suspicion of domestic abuse
November 26th, 2017 under Glee. [ Comments: none ]

On Thanksgiving, Naya Rivera was thankful to be reconciling with her husband Ryan Dorsey. By the weekend, not so much. According to WCHTV’s Kalea Gunderson, the actress was accused of hitting her husband on the head while they were on a walk with their 2-year-old son Josey. Her husband reportedly recorded the incident on his cell phone.

The couple split last November and just got back together last month.

The Glee star was charged with a misdemeanor, released on bond and picked up by her, I am soon to be soon-to-be-ex, father-in-law.


Roseanne keeps the original theme song!
November 25th, 2017 under Roseanne. [ Comments: none ]

To me, one of the biggest differences between a revival and a reboot is the theme song. Revivals keep them and reboots modernize them. Thankfully, Roseanne is a revival and today Roseanne Barr revealed that they are keeping that tune we have all heard hundreds of times as is. We do not how the open will look, but we do know she really enjoyed it. Which means so will we.

Now, if only ABC will finally tell us when the 9 anticipated episodes will air, we will all be as happy as she is here. What are they waiting for?

BTW I love the no social media sign in the background, hopefully she will not get in trouble for posting this on social media. Then again she is Roseanne Barr and when has she ever done what she is supposed to do?


An all-star cast boards The Christmas Train tonight on Hallmark Channel
November 25th, 2017 under Hallmark. [ Comments: none ]

In a year full of darkness and hate, Hallmark Channel is bringing light and love one movie at a time. Tonight at 8p, they share a story of lost love being rediscovered on The Christmas Train with a cast full of stars who needs to work together more often.

Tom Langdon (Dermot Mulroney), a former war journalist, decides to tell a different type of story in honor of his late father who loved locomotives. He is one of the passengers on The Christmas Train traveling from DC to LA and his tale of riding across country to meet his long distance love is one of the many told tonight as he tells theirs.

Eleanor (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) is the script doctor to Hollywood Producer extraordinaire Max Powers’ (Danny Glover) and they are there to write a script based on their journey. She is also Langdon’s ex-girlfriend and neither one knows that the other is on the train. Once the two exes meet up, sparks start to fly again, but she doesn’t want her heart broken again.

Young lovers Julie (Kirsten Prout) and Steve (Anthony Konechny) have boarded the train to elope and their forbidden love story will remind the former lovers what love is all about. Julie is from Kentucky and Steve is a billionaire, whose family does not approve of them getting married. That is why they took this form of transportation to run away. They ask Powers to marry them and they want Elanor and Tom to be their best man and bridesmaid on Christmas Eve. They have 3 days to give this couple the perfect wedding.

Some of the other passengers are Agnes (Joan Cusack), who gives Tom sage advice, widower John (John Innes), who is spending his first Christmas without his wife of 40 years and Misty (Karen Holness) a psychic.

While everyone is planning the wedding, Tom is thrown from a loop when his girlfriend actress Lelia (Holly Elissa) surprises him and asks for his hand in matrimony. Any hope that Elanor and Tom could rekindle their romance seems to be dashed forever. Or is it?

You don’t want to miss this sweet love story that proves love can happen at anytime and anywhere to anyone. What makes Hallmark Channel so special is that time and time again they give us hope and make us smile. That is why I am thankful that they continue to produce television movies for the whole family to enjoy together. That is why you should watch this telemovie tonight and all of the other ones they produce year round.


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