Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » September
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Conan O’Brien goes just driving with Tom Cruise
September 26th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien traveled all the way to London to help Tom Cruise promote his movie American Made, and the TBS host wanted to do something different with the actor. Thus he called Jack Reacher and asked him to do a mission impossible. Translation, Conan asked Cruise to cruise with him. As in, he got Ethan Hunt to ride shotgun with him.

Would there be singing? Nope, that is James Corden’s thing. Would there be coffee? Nope, that is Jerry Seinfeld’s thing. What would they do then? Drive. That’s it, just drive. No questions because Conan needs to concentrate on his driving, so there was silence. Which really sucks because I wanted to hear the story Cruise was told by his A Few Good Men co-star Jack Nicholson. Anyways, after 3 and a half hours of touring London, there as only one thing for the Top Gun to do. I won’t tell you, you will just have to watch the hysterical video all the way through to find out. It’s the funniest thing that Cruise has done since Eyes Wide Shut. That was such a great comedic movie.

Now we finally know why Cruise hit the wall, he was trying to get away from Conan O’Brien. Can you blame him?


BTWF roles: Kaitlin Olson on The Drew Carey Show
September 26th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Kaitlin Olson. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kaitlin Olson was unemployed schemer on The Mick, she was the boss on The Drew Carey Show. She looks the same now as she did when she was 27 in that 2002 episode and just as funny.


Aerosmith forced to cancel tour dates due to Steve Tyler’s medical emergency
September 26th, 2017 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: 1 ]

Aerosmith had 4 more dates to play in South America over the next week and a half, but they were forced to cancel them as of today. The band announced on their site, “Unfortunately, due to unexpected medical issues, lead singer, Steven Tyler, is seeking immediate care and has been advised by his doctors that he cannot travel or perform at this time.” They did not say what is ailing him, but they did reassure us that he is expected to make a full recovery and “will be back on his feet soon rocking the world.”

The 69-year-old singer added, “I am not in a life threatening condition, but I need to deal with this right away, and get some rest and medical care immediately in order to sustain and maintain my future performances… I promise I’ll be back…unfortunately, health does not wait and it’s something even I can’t schedule around our shows”

Hopefully, he will be better soon because we will be cryin’ if we cannot see him perform at least one more time with his bandmates.


Tonight’s TV theme is spoiled rich kids with awful parents on The Mick and L&O: True Crime
September 26th, 2017 under Fox, Kaitlin Olson. [ Comments: none ]
The Mick is back for its second season tonight on Fox at 9p and it is even funnier this time around. The episode start offs shortly after the season finale left off and they have been living at a ritzy hotel since their huge mansion burnt down.

While the older kids, Sabrina (Sofia Black-D’Elia) and Chip (Thomas Barbusca) have been living the life of luxury, Mickey (Kaitlin Olson), Alba (Carla Jimenez) and the youngest sibling, Ben (Jack Stanton) have been sharing a hotel room. Things seem like they are still going well for them until their money manager forces them to move out of their 5 star hotel and into a Motel 6. Needless to say they do not like it and come up with a plan to bribe the money man to get back into their luxurious hotel.

If you are a fan of the show, then you know it will be beyond belief how far they will go to get their way. Let’s just say sink to their lowest yet. So will it work? You will just have to tune in for a family comedy that is not necessarily family friendly.
Then at 10p but over on NBC, is another television show about rich spoiled kids. This time it is the Menendez Brothers who killed their parents back in 1989 and tried to get away with murder.

Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Brothers starts off with Erik (Gus Halper) and Lyle (Miles Gaston Villanueva) calling the police to tell them that their parents have been shot. Then the show moves forward from there covering their arrest and court case along with some flashbacks into why the brothers killed their parents.

Here is my deal with the show, it does not need to be done as a anthology series. The case and their story is not interesting enough for 8-1 hour episodes. It works as a 2-hour telemovie and I have seen them all, and that is it. Anything after that, is overkill. OJ Simpson worked because, it played out over a long time and we as a nation lived it every day. But not many of these cases warrant more than a telemovie. I do not think that the Andrew Cunanan story for FX is going to work because that barely played out over a week and it is barely a blip in history. They need to do stories like the Son of Sam, Charles Manson and Jack Kevorkian. Stories that we still care about that took hold of the public for months if not years. If NBC really wanted to make The Menedez Brothers work, they needed to start with their family life and midway through get to the murders. Otherwise, it is a been there, seen that. Because we have. And Lifetime just did a movie about them that told me as much as the first 2 episodes of this show do.

I like anthologies, but they need to be cases that need to be told in 8 hours because 2 is just not enough. Plus, it needs to be stories we want to know more about like Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson or Jodi Arias. What do you think?


Chris Pratt got detention in high school for ‘getting naked’
September 26th, 2017 under Chris Pratt. [ Comments: none ]

Future Oscar winner Chris Pratt did a good Q&A for Ellen DeGeneres’ YouTube page and answered some questions for her like which boy band would he be in, what he drinks at Starbucks and his best pickup line. Those are boring, but at the end it gets titillating because they asked what he got dentition for when he was in high school. The answer is “getting naked.” Which turns out to be his best party trick too. Proving that the rumors of him loving to take off his clothes is not something that stated when he began acting. It started way before we even knew he was. And that is why he is a Guardian of the Galaxy! I do not know what that means either.

Now that we know he likes to literally bare his soul and everything else, when are we going to see him go full frontal in a movie? That will totally get him the Oscar and our adoration will grow even stronger for him just like something else that grows!


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