Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » September
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September 20th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who had too much to drink? – Dlisted

Remember Linda Hamilton? – Wow

January Jones in a see thru dress – The Nip Slip

See what Hayden Christensen is missing – GCeleb

Chris Pratt said what about Anna Faris? – Celebitchy

Kim Kardashian's shocking announcement – The Wow Report


The high price Olivia Munn paid to be in Oceans 8
September 20th, 2017 under Olivia Munn. [ Comments: none ]

Olivia Munn wanted to be Oceans 8, the female version of Oceans 11, so much that she was willing to do anything. Well maybe not that thing she claimed to do with Brett Ratner, but she opted to put her money wear her mouth is. When Entertainment Weekly Radio asked her about being in the new Oceans movie, she told them she only had a cameo in it. Then she revealed, “It actually cost me money to be part of Ocean’s Eight…I paid a lot of money to have to basically spread the word that I’m not in Ocean’s Eight.” Then she explained what happened when the producers called her about the part, “They’re like do your own glam and I got the dress and all that and then you submit the bills for it because I’m part of your movie. And then they’re like, ‘Oh no, the bills come right back to you.’” Then she told the host that she is excited to do the junket, as payback, for the film she is looking forward to seeing completed. Little does she know she is going to have to pay for her hotel room and food. At least I am assuming that.

BTW now it looks like we know how Kim Kardashian got her part in the movie, she had to pay for it too. Hopefully, more than Munn.

When it comes to Oceans 8, how much do you want to bet it stinks more than the ocean on a hot summer day.


BTWF roles: Olivia Munn in Scarecrow Gone Wild
September 20th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Olivia Munn. [ Comments: none ]

Before Olivia Munn was a serious journalist in Newsroom, she was a giddy teenager in Scarecrow Gone Wild. She looks the same now as she did when she was 23 in that 2004 movie.


Who’s the biggest Diva in this photo, Britney Spears or Mariah Carey?
September 20th, 2017 under Better than..., Britney Spears, Mariah Carey. [ Comments: none ]

What happens Vegas, does not always stay on Vegas. Britney Spears and Mariah Carey both went to the same dinner party in the City of Sin, and we got this photo. Maybe some day, they will do a joint residency there. Could you imagine how much the Pop Princess and the Queen of Christmas could charge for a duo ticket? Let’s just say it will be toxic to our wallets.

When it comes to who is the biggest Diva? Of course it is Mimi. Who is a bigger Diva than her?


The one superhero you do not want to be in a pornody
September 20th, 2017 under DC Comics, Pornody. [ Comments: none ]

Justice League is finally going to hit theaters in November, but what if you cannot wait that long? The pornody of DC Comics superheroes is cuming on September 30th and I am more excited for the Axel Braun one. Plus, I am sure it will leave you more satisfied than the one that is cuming to the big screen. The only problem is for poor Barry Allen. The Flash is the one superhero you do not want to be in the XXX version. I mean you want to last with Wonder Woman in the film. Oh wait, I forgot that Superman is faster than a speeding bullet. Therefore, there are two superheroes who you do not want to be in the Adult Entertainment version and they are both in this one. Good thing for Cat Woman and Supergirl, the Green Arrow’s arrow is ready for them to finish the job!


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