Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » March
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Hot Links!
March 6th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who that beauty is? – Dlisted

Haunting – The Wow Report

Nina Dobrev in a bikini – GCeleb

Who had a boob slip? – Celebslam

Another reason to love Tom Hanks – The Blemish

Chrissy Teigen is braless on a cold day – The Nip Slip

Which Friends' guest said Lisa Kudrow is unf*ckable? – Celebitchy


Caption Mark Hamill!
March 6th, 2017 under Caption the Celeb, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

This photo of Mark Hamill has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


BTWF roles: Alec Baldwin in Cutter to Houston
March 6th, 2017 under Alec Baldwin, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Alec Baldwin was Head of NBC on 30 Rock, he was a doctor on Cutter to Houston. Don’t you wish the 25 year old in 1983 wanted to play doctor with you?


It’s a sad day, Alec Baldwin doesn’t know how much longer he’ll play 45
March 6th, 2017 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but one of the things getting me through this Presidency is Alec Baldwin playing 45 on Saturday Night Live. Well, looks like we are about to lose our temporary Prozac because Baldwin dropped some sad news to Extra today.

He told them, “Trump just overwhelmingly lacks any sportsmanship, he remains, bitter, and angry, and you just want to look at him and go, ‘You won!’” The he added, “His policies aside, which you can hate, I thought he would have just relaxed. The maliciousness of this White House has people worried… that’s why I’m not going to do it much longer, the impersonation, I don’t know how much more people can take it.”

No one else can play him. We need him. It is his duty to the Country to continue playing 45. Can someone mandate it? We know the President is not going to do it but someone else must insist he do it. It is hard enough getting through this week because I didn’t get my fix over the weekend. I need my fix and he needs to keep providing it. If not for himself, but all the people who are stuck with 45 that didn’t vote for him. And there are more of us who did not than did.

Baldwin for 45 for the rest of 45’s reign.


Mandy Moore with her alter ego
March 6th, 2017 under Mandy Moore. [ Comments: none ]

On March 24th, Mandy Moore will be reprising her role of Rapunzel in Tangled: Before Ever After on Disney Channel and today she got to meet the real Rapunzel at Disney World. As soon as the two saw each other, it was like looking in a mirror, mirror on the wall. That was when they realized they saw the fairest one of them all. Wrong fairy tale, but you know what I mean.

Just when you think that Moore couldn’t get any more cuter, she posts a photo like this. So sweet!


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