Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » March
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Hot Links!
March 7th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is under all of that hair? – Dlisted

My hero! – Celebitchy

Jessica Biel's butt – Popoholic

Who had a boob slip? – The Nip Slip

Is that a vag slip? – Drunken Stepfather

Chrissy Teigen makeup free – Go Fug Yourself

Aren't these girls too young for John Mayer? – Celebslam


Say what you want to say, but John Mayer predicted his future
March 7th, 2017 under John Mayer. [ Comments: none ]

You know how people predict what their futures will be in their High School Yearbook, and almost none of them get it right?

Well, John Mayer’s classmates probably thought the same thing when he said, “working as a Musician.” As we know, they wrong and he was right. So while they are waiting for the world to change, he is the one in a million who became just was he said he was going to be. We are glad that he got it right because he has recorded some songs that truly are a wonderland.


BTWF education videos: Ed Asner in an US Army Training Film
March 7th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Ed Asner was always protecting his staff on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, he was protecting his best friend in an US Army Training Film. Even when he was just 27 in that 1956 video, you can start to see a glimpse of Lou Grant here.


NBC equals nothing but causalities
March 7th, 2017 under This Is Us, Ugly Betty. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Milo Ventimiglia had surgery on his arm and that is why it is bandaged up. Turns out he isn’t the only star over at NBC who is injured. Ben Feldman shared a photo of the This Is Us patriarch with his Superstore co-star America Ferrera and she too is wounded. We don’t know why she is on crutches, but you have to wonder it is happening over at NBC and how they are protecting their stars so no one else is on the DL.

Side note, this Thursday at 8p, Ferrera will be reunited with her TV dad Tony Plana on Superstore. Not only will we see the Ugly Betty father and daughter together again, America is making her directorial debut with the episode.


Jesse Tyler Ferguson says that Ed O’Neill has a huge schlong!
March 7th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Modern Family. [ Comments: 1 ]

Jesse Tyler Ferguson was on Conan yesterday and he told the TBS late night host that he learned something new about his television father recently.

Ed O’Neill and him were filming a sauna scene on Modern Family and the actor was to appear nude in it but he was wearing nude underwear to cover up his privates from the crew. When Mitchell looked over at his dad, he noticed that he had a “distracting large” penis. He didn’t want to stare, so he looked away.

Then O’Neill started to become very fidgety and readjusting himself, so Ferguson thought his castmate had an erection. That was when the red head tried to defend his TV pop and took one more quick glance. That was when he realized O’Neill stuffed his underwear with a fake dong to play a prank on his TV son.

O’Neill was so proud of himself for pulling off the prank, he could not control his excitement. Not only because he got Ferguson good, but also because he came up with the joke all by himself. Which was a really good one! And I bet he looked so awwwwwdorable when his plan went up, I mean off, without a hitch.

Now imagine what would’ve happened if O’Neill did that with his TV wife Sofia Vergara? She probably would have laughed, then reached in and grabbed the dildo like it was nothing.

I also wonder if they kept the newest member of the cast around, named it and used it to prank other people on the show. I can totally see Eric Stonestreet walking up to people and tapping them on the shoulder with it. Couldn’t you?


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