Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » February
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Jon Bon Jovi’s butt!
February 20th, 2017 under Bon Jovi. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ever since I had behind-the-stage tickets to see Bon Jovi in my teens, I have always said that Jon Bon Jovi has the best a$$ in Rock’n’Roll. As nice as it is, you very rarely get to see the two half cantaloupes in jeans. Thankfully, there is a photographer on this tour, who agrees with me and took this photo of his rockin’ bum. Too bad, he has a portable battery pocket in his back pocket, but other than that I am slippery when wet thanks to this picture. What a tucas he has!


Is this how Nathan Fillion French Kisses?
February 20th, 2017 under Nathan Fillion. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Nathan Fillion (@natefillion) on

Nathan Fillion went out to eat, but he had a little bit of a problem with his drink. For some reason his mouth couldn’t find the straw, so his tongue went round and round. Giving us all a glimpse of what it would be like to French Kiss with him. Or for my friend, who has a free pass with him, picturing what it would be like if he took her oral exam. Something that left my legs confused, to open or to close.

Would you let him go round and round with you after watching this or will you be sucking on the straw?

On the open or close note, my legs decided to open up because he looks cute after he got busted. Something I could work with!


Guess which Soap Diva got her hands dirty?
February 20th, 2017 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is getting wood instead of giving it, then click here!


Is Lisa Rinna really 53?
February 20th, 2017 under Are they really their age?, Lisa Rinna. [ Comments: none ]

Lisa Rinna is so happy that nudes are back in Playboy that she shared a photo of herself completely naked. Then the actress said, “The female body is so beautiful, every size and every age. Be proud!” And she should be proud because she is a 53 year old mother of 2 and looks like that without any clothes on. Who doesn’t wish they could look like that at her age? I wish I did and am not near her age!


Is Daniel Radcliffe immortal?
February 20th, 2017 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Daniel Radcliffe is a magician, but turns out he might also be immortal like a Vampire. That’s because Graham Norton has been collecting photos of people that look like Harry Potter over the last few centuries to share on his BBC show, and the resemblance between all of them is too spot on. It’s like he is the one in all of those pictures. Although some where his alter ego Daniella, since during some of those time periods he had to be dressed like a woman so no one would realize that he never ages.

Yes, we saw him as a kid, but how do we know that wasn’t one of his many disguises to hide his identity? He hasn’t really aged that much since the movies came out. It has been 15 years and he still looks the same.

Therefore we can only assume that it is him in all of those photos and some day, soon he will have to take on a new name because people will become suspicious that he still looks like a kid even though he is 50. Basically, enjoy him while you can because the Daniel Radcliffe we know needs to become a new person soon so that he can continue to be immortal.


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