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Hot Links!
January 26th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


A sad update on Mischa Barton – Dlisted

Must read! – Bustle

Mama June is back! – OMG Blog

A Mariah Carey upskirt – The Nip Slip

Charlotte McKinney nip slip – Celebslam

Nina Agdal poses topless – Hollywood Tuna

Why was Shia LaBeouf arrested now? – Celebitchy

What are they doing to Devil Wears Prada? – The Wow Report


Taylor Swift and Zayn get their Fifty Shades on!
January 26th, 2017 under Fifty Shades, One Direction, Taylor Swift. [ Comments: none ]

Taylor Swift and Zayn finally released a music video for their song I Don’t Want to Live Forever that is featured on the Fifty Shades of Darker soundtrack. As sexy as the song is, the video is not as sexy. I don’t what I was expecting, but definitely more than that. Kind of like the feeling I got when I saw Fifty Shades of Grey.


BTWF ads: Tom Selleck for Dubonnet
January 26th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, MeTV, Tom Selleck. [ Comments: none ]

via Me TV
Before Tom Selleck was wearing Hawaiian shirts on Magnum PI, he was wearing a Cowboy hat for Dubonnet. He is just as sexy now as he was when he was 27 in that 1972 ad.


Can Conan O’Brien smooth things over with Mexico?
January 26th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Trump hasn’t even been President for a week and her already ruined the US’s relationship with Mexico. Conan O’Brien is not going to allow that happen, so he is going to travel down to Mexico City to bring peace back between the two countries. He will film his March 1st show down there using their crew, interviewing their entertainers and have an audience filled with their people.
As we know, he helped to make things better in Cuba with the United States when he went down there, so here’s to hoping that he does the same with our neighbors to the south.
Also, I am hoping that Trump will allow him back in the country. He is a national treasure we can’t lose.


A Vampire Diaries’ series finale spoiler from Nina Dobrev
January 26th, 2017 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

While fans of The Vampire Diaries are not looking forward to the show ending, now they have a reason to want to watch the series finale. That’s because Nina Dobrev Tweeted a copy of her name on the script and said, “I know it’s Thursday, but this is not a TBT.” That’s right, she will be back on The CW drama one last time. As who? Well, that we have to wait and see om March 10th!
How excited are you to see her back even if it is to say goodbye?


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