Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » January
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I am having dirty thoughts about Mr Clean!
January 27th, 2017 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]
Mr Clean‘s Super Bowl ad is out and it is super. Super sexy that is! I need the Magic Eraser to clean my thoughts because they are all dirty about him and his butt in those white pants!
Now I get why teenage boys become infatuated with comic book characters because I am all over Mr Clean. I am the floor and I want him to wipe me all over! I am the glass shower doors and I want him him to rub me round and round! I want Mr. Clean to clean my whole house and everything
that’s in it! Oh Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean.


Matthew McConaughey admits to wearing hairpieces!
January 27th, 2017 under Matthew McConaughey. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Matthew McConaughey told Kelly Ripa on Live with Kelly that all of his hair is his. But then today he admitted in Us Weekly’s 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me that, “The best hairpiece I’ve ever worn for a role was definitely the Kenny Wells piece [in Gold].”
So which one is it? In the real world his hair is real, in the fake one it is fake.


When did Lea Michele get back?
January 27th, 2017 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele is very petite and barely has any curves. Yet in this latest photo from her NYC//bed series, she looks like she has an hourglass figure with the bottom being filled with a lot sand. In other words, she looks like she has a butt. When and how did that happen?


Do you think she needed the pregnancy test?
January 27th, 2017 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]

You know that OMG moment when you take a pregnancy test and it tells you that are having a baby. It is a wonderful feeling because it is so early on, there was no way to really tell for sure.
Well, Predictor’s pregnancy test is so good, it won’t tell you are pregnant until you are at least 9 months along. At least, according to this print ad they came up with.
Why did the agency create an advertisement that seems so, well, stupid? Chris Sant, who worked on the creative told AdWeek, “Since Predictor is 99.9 percent accurate, you’d rather depend on the test than your belly.”
I don’t know about you, if I had a belly grow to that size and I wasn’t sure if I was pregnant. I would go to the doctor to find out WTF is growing in my stomach before I have an alien situation going on. Granted that alien won’t be coming out of my chest, it would be coming out of the thing that, well, cums. But hey that is me!


Proof Erik Estrada never ages!
January 27th, 2017 under Are they really their age?. [ Comments: none ]

Erik Estrada posed with a cardboard cutout of himself from during his CHiPs days and he looks exactly like his did almost 4 decades ago. Seriously, doesn’t the 67-year-old look like he hasn’t aged a day. In fact, I think he might look even better.


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