Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » May
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Guess who wore an evening gown into the ocean?
May 19th, 2016 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who that living doll is, then click here!


Mayim Bialik’s bathroom Selfie
May 19th, 2016 under Mayim Bialik, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

For all of you boys from the ’90s who wanted to see Blossom aka Mayim Bialik share a sexy bathroom Selfie, here it is! Does it make you say whoa?
Since I am girl, I am still waiting for Joey Lawrence to do one.


Only way Seth Meyers can tell jokes about women, Black people and Lesbians
May 19th, 2016 under Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, all the late night hosts on broadcast television are very White males. That means they have to be careful with what type of jokes they tell, especially when it comes to women, African-Americans and/or Lesbians. Seth Meyers found a way around that on Late Night and that is to have an African-American woman and a Lesbian tell the punchlines he can’t.
The results is a lot of funny jokes, that you can laugh at but can’t repeat!
BTW I love this segment and I hope that the NBC host makes it a weekly thing. This segment’s second time out was even funnier than the first and that one was pretty hilarious.


Dax Shepard got fixed!
May 19th, 2016 under Jimmy Kimmel, Kristen Bell. [ Comments: none ]
Dax Shepard and his wife Kristen Bell have 2 girls under 3 and the two of them decided that they don’t want any more kids. After 10 days of not feeling well, Bell was convinced that she was pregnant again. When the test proved that she wasn’t, her husband decided he didn’t want go through that again. What did he do?
He told Jimmy Kimmel, she had the scare on Tuesday, he flew back to LA on Wednesday and on Thursday morning he had a vasectomy. His Mrs wasn’t happy at the time that he got it done so quickly, but now I am sure they are loving the worry free sex they are having.
Something he now knows he can have, but he had to wait three weeks to find out if that was the case after he got snippped. You see, three weeks after a man gets fixed, they have to get a sample of their sperm tested to see if the surgery worked. The place that he went to didn’t have a masturbation room, so he had to bring a sample with him and it had to be done within two hours. He had an appointment in Beverly Hills at 5p and a meeting earlier in the day in Burbank. He thought he could get out of that meeting at 3p, do the deed and make it over the hill in time. Anyone who has had to travel from Burbank to Beverly Hills can tell you after 330p, expect it to take at least an hour and that is if you are lucky. Lucky he wasn’t because his meeting went until 445p and he didn’t have time to hit it before he hit the road. What did he do? He took a windy road called Laurel Canyon to get there; and while he was stuck in traffic he was able to give his sample. Now I have to wonder if he did it with himself while he was going up the hill or cuming down it? I am thinking he started it when it was up and filled it up when he was going down.
In his defense, if you have ever been stuck on that road, then you know there are a lot of things you can do while you are in traffic jam. Now there is one more thing you can add to the list and that is to masturbate! The things you learn from celebrities is endless.
When it comes to if he Bell and him are going to be able to have more children, they are not. The snip snip worked!


Rob Lowe can arrest me anytime!
May 19th, 2016 under Rob Lowe. [ Comments: 7 ]

Rob Lowe is going from playing a lawyer to playing a beat cop and yesterday he showed off how he looks in his police uniform. I don’t know about you, but I am having thoughts of him cuffing me and giving me a strip search. And there’s no way I would resist arrest. Would you?
The only problem with this look is the sunglasses. He has some of the most beautiful eyes and this uniform would really bring them out.


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